Saturday 8 January 2011 photo 2/3
Bill; I’m not telling a lie, I had no girlfriend for 7 years. 3 other; *Bursts into laughter* Kind of pitiful, isn’t it?
- InRock, Nov 2010
Interviewer; Who's the best hugger?
Tom; Bill is the best choice!
Georg; He's the best hugger. - 91.3 Interview, August 2010
Georg; Once when I was about 8 years old, I was having an argument with a friend. He started to run, so I threw a stick at him. But since I wasn’t strong enough, I missed it and it hit a Mercedes. I ran back to the house and hid in my bedroom. After that I was too scared to leave the house for 3 days. But no one ever mentioned it. - Bravo, 2007
Bill; When I was in the fourth grade I had a fight with a guy from the third grade. It was not pretty to see! He lost a tooth! - Bravo, 2007!/pages/PlanetTokio-3/116218168421677
Comment the photo
Sat 8 Jan 2011 18:22
bahahaha fail på georg XDDD
Sat 8 Jan 2011 17:11
oooh Bill goes farlig (aa'
5 comments on this photo