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Please, grant my friend a new life sir.. Then, you'll clean leftovers all your life.. That's enough.. l got it back as my birthday gift.. l'm crying without using glycerin.. lt's a long tale..
only then l'll feel better.. A function has been organized for them.. Will those days come back?. lt stopped.. Did you meet him?. Oh She devil!. Would I say no to you?. l'll go home and come back,.
turned against me,. l'm leaving.. Lord Krishna has a temple.... l'll surely meet Ammu.. We are very happy here.. No, my father said in drunken state..
He's no match to our daughter.. l'm no more their guest.. He is our friend Ganesh.. Want to see?. Today he's with us.. We fed him only a square meal.. Very happy to hear it.. l grew up in a hostel like an orphan.. Hey house owner!.
Neither you know nor l know.... He said he doesn't have money.. Why do you speak like a stranger?. we immersed ourselves deep into it.... Why are you asking me to beat him?. Lord Krishna has a temple.... Please leave me sir.. What are you saying?. Please unite him with his Ammu.. That power saw the talent in us. 2c3f341067
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