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Field guide to ecosites of alberta: >> << (Download)
Field guide to ecosites of alberta: >> << (Read Online)
An ecological classification system was developed for Northern Alberta through the analysis of vegetation, soil, site, and forest productivity information. The hierarchical classification system has three levels - ecosite, ecosite phase and plant community type. Thirty-eight ecosites are described with further detail provided by
Department/Agency, Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service. Title, Field guide to ecosites of northern Alberta /. Series Title, Special report. Publication Type, Series - View Master Record. Language, [English]. Format, Paper. Note, This publication is also available on paperback (ISBN 0-660-16369-1) at $29.95
An ecological classification system was developed for west-central Alberta through the analysis of vegetation, soil, site, and forest productivity information. The hierarchical classification system has three levels - ecosite, ecosite phase and plant community type. Forty-four ecosites are described with further detail provided by
Field guide to ecosites of southwestern Alberta (paperback). 1996. Archibald, J.H.; Klappstein, G.D.; Corns, I.G.W. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northwest Region, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta.
Field guide to ecosites of west-central Alberta (paperback). 1996. Beckingham, J.D.; Corns, I.G.W.; Archibald, J.H. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta.
Field Guide to Ecosites of West-central Alberta: Supplement for Managed Forest Stands up to 40 Years of Age (first approximation). 2005. Corns, I.G.W.; Downing, D.J.; Little, T.I. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta. Special Report 15. 140 p. Year: 2005.
Field guide to ecosites of Northern Alberta (paperback, coil bound). 1996. Beckingham, J.D.; Archibald, J.H. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta.
One of a series of field guides for ecosystems in Alberta. (Others include: Forest Ecosystems of West-central Alberta, mid-boreal ecoregions of Saskatchewan, Northern Alberta, and West-central Alberta.) As with all books in the series, an ecological classification system was developed for southwestern Alberta through the
An ecological classification system was developed for Northern Albertathrough the analysis of vegetation, soil, site, and forest productivityinformation. The hierarchical classification system has three levels -ecosite, ecosite phase and plant community type. Thirty-eight ecositesare described with further detail provided by