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Ageing and society author guidelines journal of gerontological nursing: >> << (Download)
Ageing and society author guidelines journal of gerontological nursing: >> << (Read Online)
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Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof. Full-Text HTMLPDF Restorative activities among bereaved caregivers of nursing home patients. Sarah T. Stahl, Richard Schulz the review process. Track Manuscript. You may also view author guidelines or track your article, post acceptance, by visiting: Author Gateway
This Gerontology & Geriatrics Journal with high impact factor offers an open access platform to the authors in academia and industry to publish their novel research. of Aging Science, Geriatric psychiatry Journal, Mental Health & Psychiatry Journal, Journal of gerontological nursing, Research in gerontological nursing,
Geriatric Nursing is a comprehensive source for clinical information and management advice relating to the care of older adults. The journal's peer-reviewed articles report the latest developments in the management of acute and chronic disorders and provide practical advice on care of older adults across Read more.
Indian Journal of Gerontology is a quarterly Journal., devoted to research on Ageing. It was first It is the first Journal in India and ranks 17 in the chronology of all the Journals published on gerontology the world over. Since this is an international journal, it is important that authors provide a broad context for their papers.
Age and Ageing is an international journal publishing refereed original articles and commissioned reviews on geriatric medicine and gerontology. Its range includes letters to the editor. They provide an opportunity for readers to respond to any of the articles in the journal. Find out more in the instructions to authors page.
Having established an academic and clinical infrastructure, geriatric nursing is well positioned to play a central role in improving the health of th. small qualitative studies, and substantially bolstered by funding from the National Institute for Nursing Research and the National Institute on Aging, geriatric nursing has made
Ageing & Society is an interdisciplinary and international journal devoted to the understanding of human ageing and the circumstances of older people in their social and cultural contexts. This link will lead you to the 'Online Submission Instructions for Authors' There are full guidelines for submissions on the platform.
JAGS Author Guidelines. The primary goal of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) is to publish articles that are relevant in the broadest terms to the clinical care of older persons. The Journal only considers studies involving human participants. Such articles may span a variety of disciplines and fields and
Whey Protein Supplementation Improves Rehabilitation Outcomes in Hospitalized Geriatric Patients: A Double Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial. , xml · Sarah Niccoli MSc, Anton Kolobov MD, Trevor Bon MD, Seda Rafilovich MD, Heather Munro PT, Kim Tanner OT, Trina Pearson RD & Simon J. Lees PhD. Pages: 149-
Journal of Applied Gerontology (JAG) provides an international forum for cutting-edge information on gerontological practice and policy with immediate applica It brings you comprehensive coverage of all areas of gerontological practice and policy, such as care-giving, exercise, death and dying, ethnicity and aging,