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Submarine safety (subsafe) requirements manual: >> << (Download)
Submarine safety (subsafe) requirements manual: >> << (Read Online)
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navsea 0924 062 0010 manual
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Inception of SUBSAFE. “the 20 December 1963 Letter" established Submarine Safety Certification Criterion. Defined the basic foundation and structure of the program that is still in place today: Design Requirements; Initial SUBSAFE Certification Requirements & Process; Certification Continuity Requirements and Process.
1 May 2007 Ref: (a) NAVSEAINST 5400.106, KAVSEA Supplier Product. Quality Group (SEA 04?) Charter. (b) NAVSEA O948—LP—0e5—7010, Rev 3, Material Control. Standard. (c) NAVSEA 0924w062—0010, Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE). ' Requirements Manual. (d) SSSOO—AG—MAN—OlO/P9290, System
29 Oct 2003 This manual continues to be the set of formal base requirements for our program today. Over the years, it has been successfully applied to many classes of nuclear submarines and has been implemented for the construction of our newest VIRGINIA Class submarine. The SUBSAFE Program has been very
The Submarine Safety Program (SUBSAFE), is a quality assurance program of the United States Navy designed to maintain the safety of the submarine fleet; specifically, to provide maximum reasonable assurance that submarine hulls will stay watertight, and that they can recover from unanticipated flooding. SUBSAFE
The SUBSAFE Program provides a maximum reasonable assurance of the integrity of submarine design, systems and materials via Design Review, Shipboard System Testing and Objective Quality Evidence (OQE) that all materials and components meet drawing and specification requirements.
14 Oct 2008 (f) MS 6310-081—015 Submarine Preservation Maintenance. Standard. (9;) 0924—062—0010, Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE). Requirements Manual. (h) NAVSEAINST 5400.95D. 1. Background: Reference (a) mandated the use of NAVSEA. Standard Item (NSI) 009—32 as the single or “universal".
8 May 2015 With the advent of “Fly-By-Wire" ship control designs in submarines, NAVSEA recognized the need for a certification program for this “new" technology. ? FBW SCS Requirements Manual was promulgated in 2004. ? Similar to SUBSAFE, the FBW SCS Program objective is to provide “maximum reasonable
NAVSEA 0924-062-0010 Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE) Requirements Manual Revision C. (Public Release version available upon request). 2. Bishop, Charles M. Sensor dynamics of autonomous underwater gliders. Masters thesis, 2008. Memorial University of Newfoundland. 3. Laval
the Navy requires a maximum degree of assurance that the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the installed material meets the specified requirements. SUBSAFE is an acronym for Submarine Safety indicating identification to the specific requirements of the SUBSAFE Manual (NAVSEA 0924-062-0010).
(a) NAVSEA 0924-LP-062-0010 - Submarine Safety (SUBSAFE) Requirements Manual. (b) NAVSEAINST 4790.19 - Submarine Engineered Operating Cycle (SEOC) Program. (c) OPNAVINST 3120.33 - Submarine Extended Operating Cycle (SEOC) Program. (d) COMSUBLANT/COMSUBPAC NOTE C3120 - Submarine