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Rrc instruction in 8051 example: >> << (Download)
Rrc instruction in 8051 example: >> << (Read Online)
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The RRC instruction rotates the eight bits in the accumulator and the one bit in the carry flag right one bit position. Bit 0 of the accumulator is rotated into the carry flag while the original value of the carry flag is rotated in to bit 7 of the accumulator. Bit 7 of the accumulator is rotated into bit 6, bit 6 into bit 5, and so on. No other
SECTION 6.4: ROTATE INSTRUCTION AND DATA SERIALIZATION In many applications there is a need to perform a bitwise rotation of an operand. In the 8051 the rotation instructions RL, RR, RLC, and RRC are designed specifically for that purpose. They []
Bit D0 is placed in the Carry flag, and the Carry flag is placed in the most significant position D7. CY is modified according to bit D0. Eg: - RAR. 5. CMA: - The content of accumulator is complemented. Eg: - CMA. 6. CMC: - The carry flag is complemented. Eg: - CMC. 7. STC: - This instruction sets the carry flag. Eg: - STC.
Description: The "Undefined" instruction is, as the name suggests, not a documented instruction. The 8051 supports 255 instructions and OpCode 0xA5 is the single OpCode that is not used by any documented function. Since it is not documented nor defined it is not recommended that it be executed.
8 Jul 2017
RRC - Rotate Accumulator Right through Carry - RRC 8051 / 8052 Microcontroller Instruction Set - Instructions Set of 8051 / 8052 - 8052 Microcontroller Tutorial - Instruction Set of 8051 / 8052 - ACALL, ADD, ADDC, AJMP, ANL, CJNE, CLR, CPL, DA, DEC, DIV, DJNZ, INC, JB, JBC, JC, JMP, JNB, JNC, JNZ, JZ, LCALL,
is rotated in to bit 7 of the accumulator. Bit 7 of the accumulator is rotated into bit 6, bit 6 into bit 5, and so on. No other flags are affected by this instruction. See Also: RL, RLC, RR RRC A C AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV P Bytes 1 Cycles 1 Encoding 00010011 Operation RRC An = An+1 where n = 0 to 6 A7 = C C = A0 Example RRC
23 Jun 2016
Description: Shifts the bits of the Accumulator to the right. The right-most bit (bit 0) of the Accumulator is loaded into the Carry Flag, and the original Carry Flag is loaded into bit 7. This function can be used to quickly divide a byte by 2. See Also: RL, RLC, RR, Instruction Set.
The 8051 has a number of instructions, known as the rotate instructions, that rotate the bits around the accumulator. RR A Each bit is shifted one location to the left, with bit 7 going to bit 0. Rotating through the Carry. There are two instructions that, in effect, create a 9-bit rotate register. RRC A. Rotate right through the carry.