April 2012
it’s the oldest story in the world. one day you’re seventeen and planning for ‘some day’, and then quietly and without you ever really noticing, ‘some day’ is today. and then ‘some dayâ€
SEX,SEX,SEX. anyway peeepppz glöm inte min tumblr o twitter? http://philippawarren.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/#!/philippawarren följ mig där or imma throw a cow in your butt.
"Would you ever date an ugly girl?" Justin: "I can't date someone that doesn't exist." Ok, I think I love him even more now, ajkgskljgfhsfj. anywayyyzz, follow me on tumblr or I will eat your cookie,
BOYFRIEND VIDEO COMES OUT TODAY OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFGO MFG OMFG Me: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0aw6nXhQW1qde8kx.gif