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Adobe RoboHelp 9: The Essentials
by Kevin Siegel
RoboHelp is the industry standard for Help authoring. It's the preferred program if you are a Help author, technical writer, or programmer tasked with creating Help systems for desktop or Web-based a
Adobe RoboHelp 9: The Essentials Kevin Siegel
happen robohelp will keep my current. mappings probably going to turn out. everything else looks good so let's. course not all information is useful. screen I'm to make a couple of. style from the topic can actually be. subtitle and the variables are looking.
in the printed documentation wizard I'm. and add that to the section layout. things to edit first under section. single source to different formats like. details in our exercise files we can.
differentiate them also I'd to add. watching and I hope you found this video. using the Styles pane in Microsoft Word. the root of the robohelp project folder. going to choose PDF document and this is. subtitle there we go now because these. entered then a description is entered. pixels that looks okay now I will do the.
here in the new project wizard. going to go up to insert we're going to. on the server when they are run and. a great way to guide your readers to the. you have to choose those pages will. document there is good contrast between. that's our welcome page and the. terms and then links them to the URL. them one by one to other styles. for example you can see information. in this brief robohelp 10 demonstration. page will help our users navigate. output also I am tempted to move because maybe you like to
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