November 2009
I'm sorry it took me so long to update, but as I said before; I'm so frickin bussy all the time! Some weeks ago we had a theme- practise. The theme was NERD xD
The team =) The biggest nerds at the school xD Coach made us run through the hallways, haha, that was hilarious! People was staring!
After the practise we went to Michelle's house and had team dinner, seriously, I always get sooo full after team dinner! After we had dinner we went downstairs and had a suprise-baby shower for our as
After taking pictures with my family I headed to Michelle's place where everyone else were doing make up and hair =)
Michelle =) What is it with Americans and food? Haha, eating all the time ;) But I'm not complaining, I'm in heaven =)
My halloween group =) We had a bunch of pirates, two reffs and Michigan, and Michigan State football players. (Michigan is a collage and their biggest rivales is Michigan State, it's like IFK and Hamm
After an hour of trick or treating we went to Taco Bell and got free (!!!) taco =) It was so good, "gratis är gott" =) We got soooo much candy, OMG! I don't know what I'm doing with all my though, s
My friends were so excited to get candy so we literally ran the whole time! The flip side was that it kept us warm =) We ran through people's yards, in the woods, my shoes were cryig w
On Friday we went to the football game. We took the fan bus there =) Before we went to the bus I went to Michelle's and had pizza. Familje-pizza släg dig i väggen! This was the biggest pizza I
Alyssa and Michelle =) Haha, they are so funny! They took a napkin and tryed to wipe up the grease on the pizza xD
My host mom bought me a Swedish pancake mix, so guess who had Swedish panckaes this morning =) The weather totally changed yesterday! This weekend has been sooo nice with over 21 degrees Celcius 
Okej, jag fick ju så många negativa kommentarer för att skriva på engelska så det får la bli på svenska denna gången då xD För några helger sen så var det hockey game igen =) Min lillebro
Så fick jag mig en kram av maskoten också =) Dom slänger ju typ ut massa grejer i pauserna, typ t-shirtar och korv med bröd och så och alla är ju helt galan för att fånga en. Jag var la
Så här om veckan så var det dax för teaterföreställningen i skolan. "It's a wonderful life" hette teatern, har aldrig sett filmen men dom som sett den sa att det var riktigt likt, och jag t