Thursday 20 September 2018 photo 4/4
Hindi Two Harts Are Better Than One
Follows how Jonathan and Jennifer met for the first time in London, England, even though Jonathan refuses to give journalist Jennifer an interview.
Oh, do I remember this one. This is the one where J&J meet for the first time. Filmed on location in London, it's spectacular in every way. The film quality of the opening and parts of the episode are somewhat lacking, but quite forgivable for the entire rest of the entire everything. Guess that about says it, huh? The story opens with Jonathan in London on business, and Jennifer a reporter trying to interview him for a financial story. He blows her off, she gets mad, he gets mad at her attempts to dupe him into the interview, and unbeknownst to them, they meet up at the hotel bar. And then the magic begins to happen. They're both smitten, but she falls a bit before he does. Before we know it, a small catastrophe ensues and, viola, their first pre-marital murder takes place. I love the anger that RJ shows when he sees the newspaper story; we so rarely see that kind of emoting from him, cuz he plays Jonathan cool as a cucumber; but when we do, it's always great. Their first kiss is exactly what you'd imagine their first kiss would be, and despite the annoyance with her, the fact that he can't hide just how much he's falling in love with her is very satisfying, indeed. The whole thing with Jonathan in the Thames is awesome. I'm not sure how much of it was a StuntJonathan, but SOMEONE went in there, and at some point RJ really does climb up the stairs at the bottom of the pier from the river itself, soaking wet. Then the whole scene with "I do like her, I DO like her" is perfect. Eventually, it all culminates at the Tower of London, of course. The climactic scenes where Jonathan sends Jennifer to Scotland Yard are so well-done, I didn't stop grinning. And I only grinned more with Max's final great line from the coach. Second best lines --> Jennifer: "After all the trouble we've been thru, you wanna marry me?" Jonathan: "Well, I'm sure we won't get into trouble on a weekly basis." Heh. Interesting observation, you can totally tell as the years go by how much the censors relax each season. For the first time, Jonathan & Jennifer say, "make love" four times in context in one scene. So, this whole episode is top notch, one of my favorites of all time, as nearly all H2H fans will agree. Beautiful beginning to the final season of Hart to Hart.