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Push Download Movie Free
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0v61
A group of young American ex-pats with telekinetic and clairvoyant abilities are hiding from a clandestine U.S. government agency. They must utilize their different talents and band together for a final job enabling them to escape the agency forever.
Two young Americans with special abilities must race to find a girl in Hong Kong before a shadowy government organization called Division does.
It seems that February is becoming a dumping ground for action films that are expected not to be critical or commercial successes. Some are actually good, like Rambo, some, not very good, like Jumper. When footage of Push was released to Comic-Con in 2008 some people were excited, and this buzz in the past has led to success, like with 300. But the end product is simply decent.
In the near future there are psychic, who have been tested on my governments since the Second World War. The American have their on Division (much like The Company from Heroes), hunt them down and test them. They want to make them into weapons and even uses want to increase their powers. A young woman, Kira (Camilla Belle) is the first person to survive the inject that should do this and she ends up on the run. In Hong Kong is an expat Nick (Chris Evans). His father is killed by the Division, lead by Henry Carver (Djimon Hounsou), a top agent. He is not good at using his powers as a telekinetic (also known as a Movers). He ends up on the run from both the Division and the local Triads. One day a young girl Cassie (Dakota Fanning), a pre-cog, arrives to his flat. She said the two are meant to work together and they can find a suitcase filled with $6 Millions. Nick and Cassie quickly have to run from the Triads and the Division, and they end up running into Kira in Hong Kong. Nick and Cassie need to protect Kira, who could be the key to bringing down the company.
The plot pretty much lifted from Heroes, particularly the elements about the Division, with a good load of X-Men thrown in. This is nothing new and the themes have been done better, mainly in comics and the Bryan Singer X-Men films. The ideas about Government testing on psychics could have been an interesting film, but that idea was over looked. As well the film is set in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a nice city, I've been there and I recommend going, but I don't see why an American film needed to be set there. Push could have easily be set in America or Canada, or become a Hong Kong film with Hong Kong style action and storytelling. There were problems like a 13-year-old Western girl alone in Hong Kong surely would be noticed even without psychic powers. Also some of the names for psychic abilities were silly and childish, like sniffs. They were names that would have been used in an average cartoon series. There were also the standard clichés, like Cassie's mother taken by the Division and the background narration at the beginning of the film. I'm sure the people were making this film were thinking of a sequel when this was made.
Some of the acting is okay, Dakota Fanning is pretty good as a teenage, punky type character, and Djimon Hounsou is normally good in films he stars in. But there are other performances which were sub-par. Camilla Belle is a weak actress, who only gets roles because of her looks. There was also Xiaolu Li who may look pretty, is a very bad actress in properly her first English speaking role. Dakota Fanning would have made a more interesting lead. Most of these types of stories rely on the theme on teenage alienation, and Fanning could have brought that to the forefront.
Besides Fanning's performance, the best thing about this film is the action. It was well directed by Paul McGuigan who uses some stylist tricks during the film. They are good fight scenes, like the fight in the restaurant and the final battle. Seeing that this was a film on a budget the CGI was really well done, better then some other blockbusters of 2009. However the film does drag at points, have ideas that don't make sense or hard to put into practice, and introduce characters like Maggie Siff's character who was no more then a Helena Bonham Carter lookalike. I think McGuigan had a stronger script he could have made a better film, with it fast paced and have more action and less clichés.
If you enjoy superhero films then you may enjoy some elements of Push. 3 out 5. There are worst films then Push.
I noticed this at the pre-production stage and somehow storm clouds seemed to gather to make it less and less interesting, after a while I was not looking forward to the DVD coming out.
First storm was Tomb Raider, I could watch the feature, but without too much interest, then my world seemed to fall apart soon after my first viewing. Stranger, that I found to be something that I could watch a few times, way above Tomb Raider, for me. Just my world was soon starting to fall to pieces again. Could be that I have a problem with Simon West stuff.
Storm 3 was not really a storm. 10,000BC, I really liked the images and some of the imagery but I get the impression that this is a storyteller who likes to put symbolic meanings first and use his stories to give them form, leading to stories that do not make so much sense unless one can guess his original symbols. Try comparing with that aspect in Sleepover. A big symbol in 10,000BC as them needing to follow the pole star but him showing the morning star instead. They would have gotten lost in the desert. That I could shrug off. His approach to Evolet did put me off Push, though.
The next batch of trouble came from me noticing Dakota Fanning, a small picture of her linked to her appearances in Char-lotte's Web and War Of The Worlds. It was the wrong time for getting a DVD of that particular Char-lotte but I did find Dreamer which to me is a story that benefits from a mature viewing style, not me. Then I found Cat In The Hat, some amazing humour, but I must be one of the few who can actually get scared by that story. The family's dog that likes to try to run away, the piñata.
Next storm. It was Dakota who took over the role of Lilo in Glitch. For me there is a magic in Daveigh Chase and the two main soundtrack songs of Lilo And Stitch. Except I never equated Glitch with Push so it is a separate storm.
Strange events. This was a feature that I was getting to want to avoid for reasons that would not be sense to near anyone. Then I felt a need to visit a rental and second hand DVD shop that I usually avoid now, they can have useful stuff but nowadays are a bit too scary, he has started to call me Mr. There was Push, a sample DVD box a month before it was due out. I noticed a frowning Dakota, also Cammie appearing happy to point a gun. This was a DVD to avoid. Just soon I get a copy of Downtown Girls from the same DVD store that I usually avoid just now. Gloom, the store has now closed.
September, I browse and notice a second hand copy of Push at Amazon UK. At my price too, so soon after it appeared. Amazon does not like me? Then I watch Downtown Girls, Dakota with a powerful backing from Brittany Murphy. Ouch. October I shrug and purchase Push, along with Sleepover and Bynes' Sydney White and Tisdale's Picture This. Tisdale's Zach & Cody too. I now rate Push and Sleepover high. The Bynes and Tisdale as rather okay too.
What makes me rate Push highly is a combination of Dakota and the soundtrack. Even stronger than Downtown Girls, but with a very different appeal. The commentary and background feature are handy too. I note that modern everyday sort of relevance is not openly pointed to in the story or in the background notes. It is just a story based on research that was likely to have been carried out by some governments in the late 20th Century. It does not look like everyday sort of stuff. I note a lot of symbols for stuff that I have noticed. 2007+ has been a really difficult time in my part of the UK if one happens to be dispossessed and I like it that this story has an optimistic slant. If a gory sort of optimism. I note the conflict that is here between different understandings of sensible ways. Of warfare linked to that.
The difficulty that I have with the feature is the visual style. First viewing I found it painful. My solution was to watch it a few times, once a day, gradually acclimatise. I am now finding it to be no problem at all.
Does Push really need a sequel? Here we have Kira Cammie who has a choice of die or go to a medical service that would keep her under an equivalent to sedation, be as they say, or be as they say, or else. She goes back, but her dealings with Henry on the plane say that you can dream your own dream sequel? Push shows Kira as scarred, but rather effective in several modes of fighting. Compare this scarring with the males in Sleepover. Except that write that, next viewing Kira seemed really right, my perception can be switched around?
I obtained my vote by putting this as nearly the same level as Sleepover (2004) and then noticing more of what Sleepover might be about. That rates 10 if one can see beyond the surface. Push is a masterwork, Sleepover is a gun to blow my head off with. 2011, I now rate Push higher and Sleepover lower.
The strength of Push is its relentlessness. The movie doesn't pause for anything and, when it provides exposition, it does so without bringing the action to a grinding halt.
Push is based on a screenplay written by screenwriter David Bourla. There are nine types of psychics in Push: (1) Movers, (2) Pushers, (3) Watchers, (4) Bleeders, (5) Sniffs, (6) Shifters, (7) Wipers, (8) Shadows, and (9) Stitchers. Movers manipulate inanimate objects at varying distances. The actual technique is known as kinetic signature control, where the Mover is trained to hear and identify the specific atomic frequency of any given material and alter the gravity wave around it, usually producing the nearby air to appear warped. Advanced Movers can work at the molecular level creating protective shields in the air around them. Pushers push specific thoughts, memories, and even emotions into their targets. This technique can be used to gain a subject's trust or to have them perform any action, thinking it was their own agenda. Watchers are trained to self-induce visions of the future, very much like a prolonged sense of déjà vu. The technique of following the future, either of a person or object, is called subject tracking. A Watcher's skill is primarily rated by how far they can see into the future. Bleeders have the ability to emit high-pitched sonic vibrations that cause ruptures in a target's blood vessels. Sniffs are highly developed psychometrics who can track the location of either people or objects over varying distances. Like psychic bloodhounds, their tracking ability is increased if they have tactile access to an object that has been in direct contact with the subject. Sniffs receive information based on images, not specific addresses, which is why identifiable landmarks help increase their effectiveness. Shifters can temporarily shift patterns of light on any object to create illusions to the naked eye. They work mostly on a touch basis, but once the illusion is established, it remains with the object for short periods of time. For example, a Shifter could momentarily touch a one dollar bill, altering its light pattern to appear as a one hundred dollar bill for hours until the effect expires. The length of the shift is based on experience and ability. Wipers are skilled at either temporary or permanent memory erasure, an invaluable asset in espionage. Experience will dictate the accuracy of their wipes, though the danger is always present that they will eliminate a desired memory. Shadows are trained to block the vision of other clairvoyants such as Sniffs, making any subject within their target radius appear "dark". Experience will enhance the size of the area they can shadow and the intensity of their shielding effect. Shadows need to be awake to perform their ability, and it is common for a detail of two Shadows to operate in shifts while protecting a person or object for extended periods. Stitchers are psychic surgeons trained to quickly reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. Using only their hands, they can heal and even "unheal" whatever they have done. For more detailed work, Stitches use a silver based cream on their hands which acts as a conductor to their ability. a5c7b9f00b
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