January 2010
Okej... då var lovet slut snart då... nytt år och nya möjligheter, får hoppas att denna sista skol terminen... FUCKING ROOOCKS!!! XD BTW, denna filmen är fakkin awsomee!!! XD
imon blir det skola, ;P Lovet har varit fakkin awsom, vet inte riktigt vad som varit roligast men riktigt jävla bra hade jag det iaf, tack till alla som jag har umgåtts med ^^
don't kniw what i want, don't know what to do, don't know what to think, don't know what to say, someone give me some fucking options, if you say there is two options option A and option B... I'll go
I miss the kind of way i saw people and i miss the way i saw the surroundings... how come i feel different now, what's wrong, did something go terribly wrong? in that case what the hell happened, i wa
Detta var något jag alltid tyckt varit kul, på bilden, vara med vänner umgås skämta, vara rolig, åtminstonde försöka vara rolig... skratta när jag mår dåligt skratta när jag är trött, sk
i want the old way o thinking, not the new way that i'm thinking now.... i need someone to help me remember the old me... i'm not changed in anyway but my way of thinking.... i can't think like i do,
When you were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel Your skin makes me cry You float like a feather In a beautiful world And I wish I was special You're so fucking special
Live life without regrets, the best way there is, be firm and stand tall, choose what you, and you only want, don't like the things other want you to like, don't do what only others want to do, choose
Sometimes i can be pretty wierd... but that's just the way it is... no reason it's just the way i want it sometimes...
I need a place where i can think only about the things i want to think about... not what other want me to think about...
I need to cure myself from this irritating cause i dont know of... the problem is i don't know what to cure it with, nothing seems to work... because even if i try it's still the same... but so
Bones crushed, only a lump of meat, broken on the inside and broken on the outside, but that doesn't matter, i will allways try... until i catch you on the flip-side. Never give up.
Snart ska man klippa sig... kanske nån dag i veckan... då blir det Bai bai till mitt låååååånga hår (enligt mig långt) XD
Some people are so selfish, always complaining that everything is wrong for them, sometimes it it feels like they think they are the only person on this planet, even though there are millions that hav
Börjar fan spåra ur... min ilska tar snart över... snart flippar jag... Varför i helvete ska det vara så för mig... dra åt helvete med det. vill inte höra ursäkter eller bortförklaringar...
Imon efter skolan ska jag klippa mig, detta är en för bild XD *Dock har jag ganska mkt längre hår nu xD*