Friday 11 April 2008 photo 2/3
I long,
Long for something far away from here,
A life with love, friends and a career.
A happy ending and a new beginning,
A bit of
hope and see; I'm living.
I need to believe it will all go my way,
Because this is not a place for me to stay.
There is something more for me to see,
please; step back and set me free.
My life
is ready to begin,
True feelings
are ready to spin,
And therefore
am I ready to win.
To win a
ticket out of here,
I will make it, I swear.
Long for something far away from here,
A life with love, friends and a career.
A happy ending and a new beginning,
A bit of hope and see; I'm living.
I need to believe it will all go my way,
Because this is not a place for me to stay.
There is something more for me to see,
So please; step back and set me free.
My life is ready to begin,
True feelings are ready to spin,
And therefore am I ready to win.
To win a ticket out of here,
Away, I will make it, I swear.