Thursday 28 January 2010 photo 1/3
Thursday 28 January 2010 photo 1/3
min och saras teater då hehe <333
Teater - Just you and me
G and B goes hand in hand down to the movie.
G - I know it´s a stupid question but I wonder if you still like me??
B - Ya, that was a stupid question. What do you think??
G- I do not know. yes it was a stupid question. Sorry if I spoiled the mood. I'm really sorry !!
B - It's okay. Just forget it and we'll have fun tonight at the movie.
G - Ya, your right.
(Song G-When There Was Me And You (on the movie))
B - that was a really great movie.
G- Ya, it was! But I have another question. I just wonder if you ever has thought about breaking up with me??
B- What??...
G- Shut up! I´m not finished. What I feel is that we has, you know, Grown apart. You know, you are 3 years older then me and…
B - So what?? Maybe I should think about breaking up with you.
G- NO!!
B- YES!!! Maybe I should.
G-Is it just because I ask so much?
B-Yeah, you know I love you so why all these questions?
G-Because I have to be sure .. snyft .. if you intend to break up with me so ..
B- G look at me I am not going to break up with you.
I love you and there is nothing that can get my feelings for you to change
good ..
It starts to rain. G folding up her umbrella and B gives her a wonderfully deep and romantic kiss.
B-I hope I made you think otherwise
B and G will continue to go to the restaurant where they decided to eat,
it's a wonderfully nice and expensive restaurant and B said no as soon as G has offered to help and pay. He is very picky when it comes to pay.G's mood lightened and they were so cozy.
They held each other in hand, and over dinner they talked about everything ...
G- Where do you start working then?
B- I was going to bet on football or builder ... , what do you think?
G- hum .. yes, I should not complain, you will of course be the world's muscles haha .. But would you not use my head more than your body? ..
B- mm ... if I do this then .. I work as builders and the free time I can be a photographer? ..
G- okay, what do you shoot?
B- a beautiful woman.
G- oh well .. when will I meet her?
I must of course ensure that she is good.
B- Yes, and now it is a fact that you already met her ..
G- What? Have I? Who is she?
B- You.
G- Me??
B- Ya you
G-But I .. I can .. can I? ..
B- Yes you can.