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Solarbabies Full Movie Torrent
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2jw4
In a post-apocalyptic future ruled by the military, a group of renegade teenage orphans find a legendary orb, Bohdai, that can supposedly bring the rain back to dried up Earth.
In the future, a nuclear war has left the Earth as a desert wasteland where the ocean has dried up leaving the Earth as a vast desert landscape. Most of the water supplies are controlled by the elite corporation E-Protecorate, where the E-Protectcorate takes children away from their families and are forced to live in a orphanage, where they are to be trained as E-Police, the E-Protectcorate's security army led by the cruel commanding officer Grock. After playing a game of Skateball (Hockey on Rollerskates) against their rival team 'The Scorpions'. Daniel, the youngest member of the Solarbabies discovers a glowing orb from another galaxy called Bodahi in a mineshaft and Bodahi heals Daniel's deafness. The Solarbabies learn Bodahi has amazing powers. And the discovery of Bodahi convinces the Solarbabies to escape from the Orphange and fight back against the E-Protectcorate. Pursued by Grock, who is after Bodahi, The Solarbabies travel across the desert wasteland, where Bodhai is the key in their quest to defeat the E-Protectcorate and liberate the world from it's control.
A film about kids on skates (Gotta capture that Xanadu audience), and Alien Ball and no water. Well it seems I gave away the whole movie just in that sentence. Well there are some good things if you are a fan of Rick Springfield lookalikes.
Actually if anything makes this film worth watching it is the lovely Jami Gertz! The scene were she is in the white robe and lit from behind drove my young blood wild! For those that like the bad girl we have one of the baddest, Sarah Douglas, looking like she did not change wardrobe much from her Superman II appearance as Ursa. Looks like she traded one Phantom Zone for another.
Still it might be worth a watch just to laugh at some of the 80's-isims in the film. Like what are they making in the desert factory that burns tires......Hair gel?
This movie is about children raised in a prison type orphanage after a post-apocalyptic earth.
The children are supposed to be teenagers, but the only one close is the character played by Lucas Hass who was 10 years old when this movie was released. The rest are in their early to mid twenties and it shows they are older.
The acting is bad and not believable, it is difficult to like this movie. They have a pet owl, and it is unfortunately shot by one of the villain's henchmen, the group decides it should be buried but for some reason don't know why they have this feeling. I know it's based on the script but the actors should have complained.
Someone said people would walk out of Star Wars (IV A New Hope)if they saw it in the theaters today. I disagree, at least Star Wars had a good story and is/was watchable even today. Solarbabies filming looks dated and old, while Star Wars IV remains fresh. I saw it when it first came out in 1977 and went to it any chance I got, I was 8 years old at the time. As VCRS were many years away at that time.
Do not wast your time with this movie, it is difficult to enjoy.
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