February 2008
To achieve a dream u hafta sacrifice, but I never thought I'd give up so much for just a stick, puck and some clear sheet of ice, MN MN MN MN MN
When people ask me where I live, im proud to say that im a part of "the upper mid-west" (MI,WI,MN,IL,IN,OH,MO,IO)
Cloquet vs Duluth East, 6-5
Link to the game winning goal, Brown with assist from Hatch, Carlsson
Carlsson #21, 2 goals+ 1 assist
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLqaY77Mz-M (Måste ses)
Game winning goal, Brown with assist from Hatch, Carlsson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLqaY77Mz-M (Måste ses)