May 2008
Her look sums up last night pretty well. Iana going "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE".Well.. that look and 140 other photos + a half hour of videos of us doing shots and yelling at the computer screen. A
I got money today. That was cool. Spent more than a third of it on bills and whatnot, and then I ordered some books. That was pretty much the highlight of my day; other than that it was sucky.Prose be
We went to the carnival. It was fun. I won Iana this dolphin, she likes it a lot.(still not broken btw)
Happy birthday, Norway! I guess Iana felt a little left out, being a Portugese waterdog born in Sweden and all. BUT SHE DID GET SALMON HOT DOGS LATER ON AND THAT MADE HER VERY HAPPY.
Nothing was really working properly today, least of all my camera.We did shoot some film I'd like to show you all, but that requires a firewire cable I cannot find.Here's a shot of Susanne taking one
So the weather was awesome and me and Susanne decided to have a BBQ. We are... not that good at it (as you might notice >_>).
Combining BBQ with a night out drinking sounds like fun (and generally is), but I'll tell you right away that it was much harder getting drunk.