The Worldwide System
by Michael Pinder
The Worldwide System
The Worldwide Web can help to spread new ideas in an instant but old dogmas are holding-up the progress of Our Human Race. We need to start again at square zero with a clean sheet of paper and then to update all of Our hardware and software systems.
There are currently some forty different ages, dates and times in use around the globe and there are three different distances. We need one system based upon the age, orbit, spin and girth of Our Planet Earth and the number of digits on Our hands.
The Worldwide System is a very simple global-digital-decimal one. This is not only a new measurement system but it is also a new management system, based upon job-sharing in a ten-day week, and a new government system, based on electronic referendums.
Time for a Change - New Scientist
Results in fewer global business being headquartered in the U.S.or overseasto be investedHow Territorial Taxation Would Work Under a territorial tax system, the U.SCovering five regions and 13 of the largest country markets, the Worldwide Semiannual System Management Software Tracker provides biannual market size, vendor share, and forecast data for the six functional markets that comprise the system management software market in IDC's software taxonomyhas a worldwide tax systemIn a highly competitive global economy, this can be the crucial difference between an American company being able to compete or note da [.] Agncia Espacial [.] Europeia, consiste num sistema de rdio-navegao por satlite que, a nvel mundial, complementar o sistema de geoposicionamento [.] existente e que [.] tem aplicaes mais vastas do que a mais conhecida, orientao de veculos designada por GPS, estendendo-se a reas como sistemas de controlos de velocidade, servios sociais (assistncia a idosos e doentes), sistema judicial e alfandegrio, servios pblicos de referenciao geogrfica, busca e resgate de emergncia 07f867cfac Tags: book samsung, read online pdf free, ebook android pdf, read thepiratebay eReader sale book, format txt pdf, read without register, book for ibooks, free txt, book format djvu, thepiratebay torrent download, book read, book download via Transmission, phone wiki free eReader book, eReader itunes view windows download, book in English, how to find book without register, mobile ebook, free macbook read, book for mac, book online