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Guidelines on implementers of global fund grants: >> << (Download)
Guidelines on implementers of global fund grants: >> << (Read Online)
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Here guidelines and tools for Local Fund Agents are available.
The Global Fund sends out a Notification Letter entitled 'Guidance for Grant Closure' during the last year (according to the Global Fund, approximately second quarter of the final year) of programme implementation, notifying the Country Office (CO) of the Programme Ending Date, the requirements for Grant Closure and due
stakeholders related to the Global Fund grants in South Africa. SRs and SSRs are expected to refer to the procedures and use these to guide them during grant implementation. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance regarding the NDoH's implementation of activities, particularly how it will monitor, evaluate
implementation of programmes financed by Global Fund grants. For further information on CCM composition please refer to CCM guidelines Principal Recipient. CCMs may choose to nominate more than one PR to be responsible for distinct parts of the proposal.
25 Jun 2010 Improve Global Fund TB grant performance and relieve PSM plan, M&E plan, work plan revision, plans and guidelines for implementation of Stop TB PPM, ISTC. 19. Global Fund grant negotiation. 2. PAL. 18. Global Fund grant implementation. (phase 1 review, request for phase 2 funding. 6. Other. 1.
24 Mar 2017 Operational and implementation research within Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria grants: a situation analysis in six countries . In 2011, the Global Fund introduced the “New Funding Model" which, among others, provides guidelines on the proven priority interventions eligible for Global
The Global Fund offers a variety of resources for and relating to implementers.
Appendix I: List of Global Fund Guidance Documents, Tools and Templates. 50 Edition of 'The Aidspan Guide to. Understanding Global Fund Processes for Grant Implementation – Volume 2: From First .. by the Global Fund. The Global Fund has prepared “PR Guidelines for Completing the 'Ongoing Progress.
1 Introduction: Implementation Arrangement Mapping within the Global Fund's Allocation-based Funding Model. All requests for new funding under the allocation-based funding model are required to map out the implementation arrangements of proposed grants. The implementation arrangement maps. (IA Maps) are
Upon the final approval of a funding request, the nominated Principal Recipient (PR) is required to develop a detailed budget using the full modular approach and costing dimension. Each PR must submit a detailed budget for review and approval, as indicated in the diagram below (Global Fund Guidelines for Grant