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The Bible Tamil Dubbed Movie Free Download-----------------------------------------DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qyzhy -----------------------------------------A religious historical dramatic miniseries about God's creation and physical landmark events leading up to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.I think one of the main problems with this mini-series or whatever is that it left out a giant chunk of the Bible. What about grown up Isaac, Jacob, Esther, Ruth e.t.c. There is so much in the bible that a mere TV show can never reveal to people. If you think watching this will instantly make you a better Christian give you the right perspective on the Bible and what God says YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME because this will NOT give you the whole message.Perhaps the creators have good intentions but people watching this show should not fall for it hook, line and sinker. Totally absorbing their portrayals of what happened could very well give people a totally wrong idea especially since they're adding bits here and there and putting words in Jesus's and other people's mouths at times adding their little bits for the show's sake. I am sure this is wrong. Their attempt at squeezing countless years of God's revelation to mankind into 10 hours just did not work out. My point is if you're new to the Bible READ IT AND DON'T WATCH IT DO NOT USE THIS AS AN ALTERNATIVE!! READ THE ACTUAL BIBLE!! READ. THE. BIBLE!!! All I'm saying is if you want to watch it that's fine but watch it with caution and don't get all caught up in the hype.As a bible student for over 10 years, I was hoping that the film industry had finally gotten this one right, however in less that 10 minutes and after several grueling hours afterword, I realized this was the worst account ever filmed.
There is almost no actual biblical content provided in the film save a few splotches sprinkled here and there. This is not a review to simply indicate this is a completely non-biblical based work. I will explain in detail why I make this founded claim.
- Lets start with Adam, who is not indicated as "the man to till the soil" who was formed on the 8th day (as it is written) - There is no binding account of Adam to Noah (who was chosen because he was perfect in his generations to Adam), to Abram (later re-named Abraham by our Father) to Isaac (chosen over all Abraham other sons), to Jacob (later renamed Israel by or Father), to the tribes (sons) of Israel.
- There is no mention of Israel going into Egypt only 70 souls and coming forth out of Egypt some 430 years later over 2 million (the promise to Abraham "as the stars of heaven in number")
- There is no mention of Joseph being the right hand man to Pharaoh himself and that Joseph saved all of Egypt during a famine. - There is no mention of the hard bondage Israel was forced to serve under the later Pharaoh's and the atrocities which occurred against the people of Israel while in bondage and the fact that these atrocities were the reason behind punishing Egypt.
- The events related to Christ were haphazard and completely inaccurate. There was no mention that he served the vow of the Nazarite (reason for beard and long hair) or that his Mother was full blooded Levi.... so on and so forth. He was presented as from a Marxist point of view, as simply a Marxist rebel out to change. When actual text indicated something completely different "I come for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel"
- The appearance of Satan, missed the mark entirely, as it is documented in the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation that he looks just like Christ (the lamb slain). The account in the wilderness, with Christ and Satan has no bearing in biblical text. It was never brought that in Christs weak state (40 days without food and water), he still easily defeated Satan.
These are basic factual accounts which are all well documented in biblical text. This film included where it might have brushed over the topic, in the majority of cases, it was not based upon biblical fact. If you are looking yourself or you are looking as parents for a reference film for your children, I would reconsider. From my several years of biblical study, I can not recommend this film to anyone due to is factual inaccuracy and complete distance from anything remotely connected to biblical accounts, historically. a5c7b9f00b http://wu-world.com/profiles/blogs/yulya-full-movie-in-hindi-720p-download http://spareextisi.guildwork.com/forum/threads/5ba08711002aa82e1a2ba58e-a-small-detail-full-movie-hd-1080p-download http://conscestoara.guildwork.com/forum/threads/5ba08714002aa82e106a1619-shadows-of-cairn-720p-movies https://www.causes.com/posts/4922774 http://realmember.info/m/feedback/view/Tamil-Movie-The-Wild-Season-Free-Download http://blanadloras.bloges.org/1537246992/ https://diigo.com/0d6b2x http://inusanbul.rf.gd/What_We_Do_Is_Top_Secret_full_movie_in_hindi_free_download_h.pdf https://bagchonahawgaro.wixsite.com/hostrasmafi/blog/fast-furious-6-movie-download-in-hd https://disqus.com/home/discussion/channel-quiruiriutafe/the_bible_full_movie_in_hindi_720p/