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History output abaqus manual: >> << (Download)
History output abaqus manual: >> << (Read Online)
If you modify a history output request during a step into which it was propagated, you can modify only the output variables and the output frequency. To modify a history output request: From the main menu bar, select Output History Output Request Manager. Abaqus/CAE displays the History Output Requests Manager.
If you modify a history output request during a step into which it was propagated, you can modify only the output variables and the output frequency. To modify a history output request: From the main menu bar, select Output History Output Request Manager. ABAQUS/CAE displays the History Output Requests Manager.
For vector- or tensor-valued output variables each component is considered to be a single request. In the case of element variables history output will be generated at each integration point. For example, requesting history output of the tensor variable S (stress) for a C3D10M element will generate 24 history output requests:
14.4.5 Creating and modifying output requests. To create an output request, select Output Field Output Requests Create or Output History Output Requests Create from the main menu bar. An editor appears in which you can enter all of the information necessary to define the output request. The top of the editor displays the
When you create an output request, Abaqus/CAE by default writes field and history data to the output database from only the middle section point in each ply of a composite layup. To change the default behavior, you can use the field and history output request editors to edit the output request and change the domain to a
Abaqus Version 6.13 Documentation Collection, Abaqus/CAE User's Guide, Abaqus Analysis User's Guide, Abaqus Example Problems Guide · Abaqus Benchmarks Guide · Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition · Getting Started with Abaqus: Keywords Edition · Using Abaqus Online Documentation · Abaqus
The tutorial describes how you can choose the variable to display, how you can step through the steps and frames in the analysis, and how you can create X–Y data from history output. You are encouraged to copy the tutorial output database to a local directory and experiment with the Abaqus Scripting Interface. The output
The words .fil, .odb Field, and .odb History following the variable's description indicate the availability of the output variable. .fil refers to output to the results file. loads defined through user subroutines (see “Abaqus/Explicit subroutines," Section 1.2 of the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Manual) are not displayed.
When you create the first step in a sequence of steps, Abaqus/CAE generates default field and history output requests based on the analysis procedure that you selected for the step. The output requests are propagated to subsequent steps in the analysis. For more information, see “Propagation of output requests," Section
Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nurnberg. As an addition to what +sascha Duczek said - you can also do this by writing a small python script. This is especially useful if you have to work on a lot of configurations. A simple example for extracting history output results is provided in the Abaqus Scripting manual.