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30 May 2017 Last updated June 12th, 2017 for update 20. Something out of date? Check wiki. What is Warframe? Warframe is a free-to-play player-vs-environment non-competitive science-fiction loot finding third person shooter game. You run missions to find equipment blueprints + crafting materials (loot), and power
WARFRAME Wiki is a completely player supported encyclopedia of the game WARFRAME. Our purpose is
1 Dec 2017 New players can feel overwhelmed after four years of continuous updates, an absolutely ridiculous amount of gear and an absurd amount of missions to play around in. You might be jumping in because your buddy told you how good Warframe has gotten since its heavily panned release in 2014. Or maybe
21 Jul 2016 You are new to Warframe and totally confused about tons of content left unexplained? You are not alone. I had a similar start with Warframe and that why I compiled the following list of essential guides, tutorials and videos. iFlynn Beginners guide 2.0 on youtube – recommended
No special strategy here, just kill everything. Mercury > Appollodorus (Survival). Nice, easy mission with weak Grineer for enemies. This is a good way to get both EXP for your warframe/weapons + morphics. Stay until 20 minutes and repeat. 15 minute mark will get you a void key and 20 minute mark will get
16 Dec 2015 Hello Tenno and welcome to Gamereactor's Warframe guide. Here we'll give you hints and tips about the game and how to get that little bit better at Warframe. So many planets, so many missions. Defeating bosses on each planet will give you a Warframe part. Chances are that the Warframe you want
I am no pro, and there might be some mistakes or clarification needed as I've sometimes been intentionally vague in order to not intimidate new
When you first launch Warframe, it will check for updates using the launcher. In this launcher, you can specify the language you would like Warframe to run in by opening the language drop-down list in the top-right corner. Selecting the correct option will make all text in the game localized to your native language!
13 Aug 2017
23 Nov 2017 Mods are used to upgrade your Warframe's shield, health, damage and abilities. You can find them during any in game activity.