Wednesday 26 September 2007 photo 2/2
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1. Do you smoke weed? nee. 2. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks? nee. 3. Who was the last friend you had in your room? uh... jeph. 4. Miss someone? alltid. 5. How's your ex doing? couldn't care less. 6. Is there someone you want to fight? nee. 7. Do you like someone right now? kanskee? 8. Song playing? destroy all vampires - mcr & asl - the legion of doom. 9. What are you doing tomorrow? skriva-brev-dag med jeph XD haha XD och och och.... jag och jeph och jerry och jake och josef och matilda ska på bambugården =D för jag och josef fyller år!! 10. Whats annoying you right now? nada. 12. Do you want to go back to high school? ibland. 13. Have you ever watched a movie drunk? nee. 14. What are you doing tonight? ingenting XD beställa kläder? blir nog i morron eller nåt. 15. Who did you ride in a car with last? mamma. 16. Are you tired? jo. 17. Who will you be with today/tonight? mej? 18. What kind of socks do you have on? grå. 19. What color is the shirt you are wearing? vit!! 20. What will you do Sunday? ... nåt? 21. Last person to call you? jeph!! 23. Does your family own any mansions? inte så vitt jag vet XD 24. Do you have any interesting bruises or scars? aa XD ärr på hakan från när jag fastnade med en glasspinne där när jag var två år. XDXD 25. Where were you at noon today? hultsfred och fikade med syster. 26. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? inte så lång tid. 27. Have you been outside of the U.S.? aa? 28. The last text you received on your mobile was from? mamma. 29. Last show you watched? heroes!!! 31. Do you wish at 11:11? nee. 32. Do you wear any jewelry? aa. 33. Next vacation you're going on? uh... sthlm i december?? räknas det? 35. Do you have any piercings? yeah baby, yeah. 36. Last person you hugged? jerry. 38. Who/What made you angry today? hehe XDXD bilen pajade när mamma och jag var på väg till vimmerby XD 39. Do you sing in the shower? nee. 40. Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally? .. aa. 41. Do you love anyone? jo. 42. whats your favorite breed of dog? IRLÄNDKS VARGHUND, boxer och chihuahua. XD 45. Do you find yourself loved? jag tror det? 46. Called anyone a bitch today? nee. 47. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? öh... på maks fötter XD 48. What's the closest blue object to you? mina jeans XD 49. What is your natural hair color? BLOND >_< 50. What are you excited for? I MORRON!!!!