Saturday 24 July 2010 photo 1/1
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Musik dvs sånt som jag lyssnar alldeles för mycket på enligt lastfm:
1. How did you get into 31?
Baton Rouge – Youtube is a girl’s best friend
2. What was the first song you ever heard by 22?
Magnum – Vigilante skulle jag tippa på
3. What's your favourite lyric by 29?
Sisters of Mercy – 1959 och when You Don’t See Me har snygga texter bägge två.
4. What is your favourite album by 49?
Spinal Tap – Back From the Dead
5. How many albums by 13 do you own?
Noice – Inga faktist, men har typ alla på Spotify.
6. What is your favourite song by 50?
Danger Danger – She’s Gone
7. Is there a song by 4 that makes you sad?
Def Leppard – You Won’t Ever Have To Be Alone
8. What is your favourite song by 15?
Sandelin & Ekman – Den Som Vågar och Komma Dej Nära
9. What is your favourite song by 5?
Aldo Nova – Ball and Chain
10. Is there a song by 6 that makes you happy?
Chris De Burgh – The Revolution
11. What is your favourite album by 40?
Blue Öyster Cult – Kan fan inga, men Greatest Hits plattan e jäkligt bra
12. What is your favourite song by 10?
One More Time – The Dolphin och Huset
13. What is a good memory you have involving 33?
Skid Row – När jag och brorsan satt och jammade I remember you
14. What is your favourite song by 37?
Fleetwood Mac – Alla låtar från Tango In The Night, kan inte välja en
15. Is there a song by 19 that makes you happy?
Vixen – Njäe, inte hyper direkt.
16. How many times have you seen 24 live?
Alias – Inte en enda
17. What is the first song you ever heard by 23?
Lili & Susie – Oh Mama ofc
18. What is your favourite album by 11?
Style – Shit, jag kan ju inga… ALLA
19. Who is a favourite member of 1?
Dare - Darren Wharton utan tvekan. Jag älskar hans röst, och han är så sjukt snygg!
20. Have you ever seen 14 live?
Ten - Nej
21. What is a good memory involving 45?
Andersson & Gibson – Har bara good memories av dem. Första gången jag hörde Moonlit Lake var rätt najs iofs.
22. What is your favourite song by 16?
Bad English – Alla deras låtar är så jäkla bra, har asmånga favoriter. Men om jag verkligen under dödshot måste välja en så blir det Don’t Walk Away.
23. What is the first song you ever heard by 47?
Brian McDonald - Intimate
24. What is your favourite album by 21?
Warrant – Ingen j*vla aning, kan inga.
25. What is your favourite song by 18?
Kim Wilde – Child Come Away, Cambodia och View From a Bridge
26. What is the first song you ever heard by 38?
Miriam Stockley – Perfect Day <3
27. What is your favourite lyric by 3?
Blackmore’s Night – Omöjligt att välja, Candice Night skriver verkligen världens bästa texter.
28. What is you favourite song by 2?
Gary Moore – Elak jäkla fråga! Efter Swedenrock måste jag nog säga Days of Heroes.
29. What was the first song you ever heard by 32?
Giant – I’ll Be There When It’s Over
30. What is you favourite song by 8?
Cheap Trick – Mighty Wings, fast jag vet att det är olagligt. =(
31. How many times have you seen 17 live?
Evan – Live på tv, men inte live-live
32. Is there a song by 44 that makes you happy?
Alien – Oh Sarah
33. What is you favourite album by 12?
Bon Jovi – These Days, för att de riktigt bästa låtarna finns där.
34. What is the worst song by 46?
Den Harrow – Bad Boy, fy fan va den är dålig! xD
35. What was the first song you ever heard by 34?
Hooters – All You Zombies
36. What is you favourite album by 42?
King Kobra – Thrill Of a Lifetime, enda jag har hört.
37. How many times have you seen 39 live?
Bob Catley – 1 gång på Swedenrock Festival med Magnum, skittråkiga live tyvärr.
38. What is your favourite album by 36?
H.E.A.T – H.E.A.T
39. What was the first song you ever heard by 28?
Winger – Shit, jag vet verkligen inte. Hungry tror jag, men är verkligen inte säker.
40. What is you favourite album by 7?
Laban – Allt med Laban äger!