22 February 2008

Dags för HLAN! :D
Heath Ledger Appreciation Night
... Featuring Hanna och Sigrid - Committing the oldest sins, in the newest ways! ;) Master Nude ^^ Hahaa awesome. He's quick, he's funny, he makes us loads of money Lichtenstein! You can hit me all you want, 'cause you punch like a - what? A girl! :D
Avec Chikken Tikka Masaaalaaaaa, och Shhahhi Goshht ;) + Ottos lillbror med flickvän XD Haha, dom är freakishly alike.
...samt A Knight's Tale, Ten Things I hate About You, Casanova, Bröderna Grimm, Brokeback Mountain
William: Oi sir, what are you doing?
Chaucer: Uh... trudging. You know, trudging?
Chaucer: To trudge: the slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk of a man who has nothing left in life except the impulse to simply soldier on.
William: Uhhh... were you robbed?
Chaucer: [laughs] Funny really, yes, but at the same time a huge resounding no. It's more of an... involuntary vow of poverty... really.
Dalfonso: Eternal damnation for one night with Casanova.
Sister Beatrice: Seems fair.
Casanova: What's this 'we?' You slapped him, you fight him.
Casanova: To say I love falsely is as contradictory as to say I believe falsely.[Yelling at Jake up in the tower while being chased by a woodsman with an ax] Will Grimm: Jacob Grimm, you bed-wetting piss bucket!
Jacob Grimm: I can't hold me ale!
Patrick Verona: Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. Go for it.
[Brokeback Mountain] I wish I knew how to quit you.
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