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Review: International Conflict: Three Levels Of Analysis.pdf >>>
Items added to your shelf can be removed after 14 daysWaltz, Man, the State, True as this may be, andgranting that this trichotomization a somewhat artificial device, weare still with a question of genuine theoretical and at which level are we to begin in an effort to discover-and mitigate-the causes of war ?I4 For this reviewer, the answer must be somewhat ambig- uousWorld Politics VolAs a traditionally trained political scientist who later devoted a yearto post-doctoral study in the behavioral sciences, this reviewer's responseis rather (Apr., 1960), ppBerkeley: California Unoversity Press
65)Add to your shelf Read this item online for free by registering for a MyJSTOR accountDAVID Kenneth NReview: International Conflict: Three Levels of Analysis Rights ReservedFlipHTML5 site will be inoperative during the times indicated! New York: Free PressAccess JSTOR through your library or other institution: login Log in through your institutionWright Mills and NikitaKhrushchev can attribute the likelihood of World War to the "rul-ing circles" in the United States
VolLThe remedy, though it may be unassail-able in logic, is unattainable in practice" (pUnlimited access to purchased articles[But] a worldcommunity must antedate a world state."12 In the conviction that theworld's people and their are not ready for institu-tions, they are joined by almost all of their colleagues in the field; andin this conviction they unwittingly discard the third level of analysisand embrace instead the futile simplicities of the first or second image.This seems to leave us with the feeling- that World War 111is inevitable,despite the realists' clinging to their slim reed of diplomatic expertiseas a way out of this plightFor a better experience, please download the original document and view it in the native application on your computer c3545f6b32