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Facebook Login In Yii Framework >>> http://shorl.com/bakodrafrinyja
// In this case, Facebook returns error code 400 which PHP obeys and wipes out the response. I got this to work logging in the user, but I need to be able to create the user in our DB as well. Welcome, ! Processing … Welcome ! Link to existing Freelancer account The email address is already associated with a Freelancer account. in my opinion querying facebook using the accesstoken in combination with the facebook-id is the only way you can make sure the request is honest. –SnippLeaf.com Nov 20 '11 at 9:09 add a comment 1 Answer 1 active oldest votes up vote 0 down vote accepted I had to add user in array of modules just like this 'user'=>array( 'user' // enable cookie-based authentication 'allowAutoLogin'=>true, /*user module starts here*/ 'loginUrl' => array('/user/login'), /*user module ends here*/ ), shareimprove this answer answered Nov 19 '11 at 13:40 NewUser 5,0523195173 add a comment Your Answer draft saved draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest Name Email Post as a guest Name Email discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. What I want to do is an Authentication implicit. #5155 report it 0 0 Kleverz at 2011/09/19 04:28pm Using db with user info Our site needs to be able to have users login with our site's account or facebook account. Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Thanks in Advance . Enter your password below to link accounts: Username: Password: I forgot my password Link Accounts Close I am a new user I am a returning user Link your account to a new Freelancer account Email address Email address Username Valid username I am looking to Hire Work Create Account Link to your existing Freelancer account Username or Email Password I forgot my password Link Accounts . rev2018.1.9.28319 . asked 5 years, 7 months ago viewed 1,983 times active 1 year ago Blog Take the 2018 Developer Survey Get the weekly newsletter! In it, you'll get: The week's top questions and answers Important community announcements Questions that need answers see an example newsletter By subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. more stack exchange communities company blog Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Business Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Log In Sign Up . Fix the cause. you'd have to manage your yii-user from within the actionFblogin() method. An animating image of a unicorn sheep Oops, Looks like the page you are looking for doesn't exist. #9401 report it 1 0 sirin k at 2012/08/08 06:22pm This is not working properly. asked 6 years, 1 month ago viewed 1,486 times active 5 years, 8 months ago Blog Take the 2018 Developer Survey Linked 2 Trying to get property of non-object Related 0Getting last login time in Yii Framework2Yii user module error8Theming and layout in yii framework0Yii login error when trying to do authentication against a user db table1YII-1.1.13, GII login not working0Creating a new Widget in Yii Framework1How to create a Enom component in Yii framework4Invalid Bootstrap path and CDN URL in Yiistrap for Yii Framework0Is it possible to login into cake php app from yii app?4Yii Framework Context in PHP Pthread Class Hot Network Questions Can I drive Elon Musk's Tesla in 100 Years? Can a concentration spell be cast without actually concentrating on it for an "instant" effect? Does mean "South Korea" or "Korea as a whole"? Does your ISP know what type of phone/computer you're using? Unknown notation relating to stoichiometry Why was Harry Truman chosen to be Vice President in 1944? How did people use ed? Dealing with aggressive student suspected to be cheating How to fix a broken End Gateway in Minecraft Survival? Confused about bibliography in old books How to keep democracies from falling behind technologically? Hugely important database replete with errors Why do different elements have different number of isotopes? The use of T[] as a template parameter ChemicalData returns the correct result for "Sulfuric" but an empty list for "Sulfuric Acid". So can some one tell me how to solve this. Again I decided to use Yii User module and for that I made export the user module database to MySQL. FYI in my database there are two fields like 'iauser' which is imported from the blog folder and 'iausers' which is imported from the Yii User module folder. its for previous version of facebook-connect, so this thing goes into the SiteController. .. I check whether the user is active // meaning: don't allow deactivated users. –aramaki Jun 12 '12 at 20:50 add a comment Your Answer draft saved draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest Name Email Post as a guest Name Email discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. I really hope someone can help me! Thanks in advance. my solution is the fix to the now unavailable previous version of this (just a few added lines, really, which fixed the whole problem that existed). How to correct this? What is this methodology called? When reading papers, what's the most convenient way to check a citation without disrupting the reading process? What is the mistake in "There are many Danes who speak English"? Why was there a robot in Rocky IV? Are SOQL queries cached within the same transaction? Changing default paper size for TeX Live more hot questions question feed default . #2785 report it 0 0 Igor Ivanovic at 2011/02/10 03:25am The additions are: You can choice to use with or without database. Related 355Design for Facebook authentication in an iOS app that also accesses a secured web service101Facebook access token server-side validation for iPhone app5how to implment facebook connect with Yii-user extension?65Facebook Page Access Tokens - Do these expire?0OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user138facebook: permanent Page Access Token?1493How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?3Yii Login Issue In Facebook Share Content19Implementing an RESTful API Authentication using tokens (Yii/Yii2)0Facebook connect wit hoauth in Yii return address to localhost Hot Network Questions Why is Windows reporting a battery charge with my desktop? What makes the Mauritius Passport so valuable? Write Moby Dick, approximately Protection of shell command with string variable How do I get other players to ask about my backstory? What is this methodology called? When to move/centralize king? ssh - why can I login with partial passwords? Can you use Ready an action with "receive a buff from an ally" as the trigger? Is evolutionary "morality" really the same thing as human morality? Long term effects of erosion Why Google Translate translate back not same as the first time translate? What fighters have both 1 & 2 engine versions? Why play a fretted note while you can play it on an open string? Excluding files like web.config when using publishing in VS 2017 What are good words to refer to the condition of objects? If I generate a random symmetric matrix, what's the chance it is positive definite? United Airlines joined my first name and middle name on boarding pass. a config/main.php setting like: // // 'components' => array( // 'user' => array('class' => 'WebUser'), // . Why? How does URL Remote Access method work? Does a 2100W angle grinder need an earth pin? United Airlines joined my first name and middle name on boarding pass. #10860 report it 2 0 Led at 2012/11/28 09:19am button dont show facebook connect button only show text . The only thing that works is to redirect the user to a page that has no Filter (no call to api("/me") is done). #6429 report it 0 0 helmut at 2012/01/09 09:00pm no security mechanism You Can Login With This Extension By Url Http: //yourhost/index.php?r=site/fblogin&username=&userid=100733232003 and extension will login you I can confirm that. #2786 report it 1 1 RusAlex at 2011/02/10 04:23am you can login with this extension by url and extension will login you . Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged php mysql yii or ask your own question. // my "User" has properties like: id, type, email, facebook $user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array("facebook" => $this->id)); if($user === null) return self::ERRORUNKNOWNIDENTITY; // facebook user not found // alternatively you could CREATE the database user here 5a02188284
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