Friday 2 October 2009 photo 1/1
Jag kan verkligen inte bry mig mindre om er än vad jag gör, men ändå blir jag så jävla lack när jag påminns om det! Varför? Jo för att du ansåg väl att jag inte förtjänade sanningen, så istället hittar du på nån idiothistoria.. Men som man säger på spanska: Las mentiras tienen patas cortas! Vilket mer eller mindre betyder: Cocksucker don't lie to me, because I will always find out the truth! And when I do, you'll suck on my nuts!!
If you don't do something properly, it's not worth doing! The way you did sucked, so go suck a fucking nut! Never, ever come to me and ask for anything! Not even if you had no one else to turn to! You don't have my trust anymore.. But you do have one thing, and that's probably why I'm writing this just a few seconds after watching the pictures.. You still have my love and will always have.. Just don't ask me why -.-
If you don't do something properly, it's not worth doing! The way you did sucked, so go suck a fucking nut! Never, ever come to me and ask for anything! Not even if you had no one else to turn to! You don't have my trust anymore.. But you do have one thing, and that's probably why I'm writing this just a few seconds after watching the pictures.. You still have my love and will always have.. Just don't ask me why -.-