Saturday 1 November 2008 photo 1/1
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<span style="border-collapse: collapse; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;">Hjälpte till på syster dotters Idas kalas idag :)#800080;">Kul men lite jobbigt20 st 8 åriga barn som fått i sig alldeles för mycket socker!Cirkus säger jag bara!!!Julina och jag var lätt läskigast!!!<span style="color: #000000; font-weight: normal;">Vi skrämde typ föräldrarna x'D Om ni inte fatta så va de maskerad kalas Sen åkte vi i alla fall till graven...Asså vi la ljus på nån gammal släktings grav :P#800080;">Alla måste lyssna på låten!Älskar den!!!!!!Älskar Chris Brown! <333Hans röst är så himla underbar, Så speciell och aaah!!!<span style="color: #000000; font-weight: normal;">Thihi han är bra :) <3 Han är skit snygg och han är asgrym på att dansa!!! Jag tror nästan jag är kär x')
<span style="border-collapse: collapse; color: #800080; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;"><span style="color: #000000; font-weight: normal;">Chris: #000000;">Weak, I have been crying and crying for weeks.#000000;">How'd I survive when I can barely speak, barely eat on my knees. Keri: #000000;">But that's the moment you came to me, I don't know what your love has done to me. #000000;">Think im invincible I see through the me I used to be. #000000;">You've changed my whole life, don't know what you're doing to me with your love. #000000;">I'm feeling all superhuman you did that to me, a superhuman heart beats in me, nothing can stop me here with you. #000000;">Superhuman.. I feel so superhuman x2 Chris: #000000;">Strong, since i've been flying and righting the wrongs. #000000;">Feels almost like i've had it all along, I can see tomorrow. Keri: #000000;">Where every problem is gone because I flew everywhere with love inside of me. #000000;">It's unbeliveble to see how love can set me free. You've changed my whole life, don't know what you're doing to me with your love. #000000;">I'm feeling all superhuman you did that to me, a superhuman heart beats in me, nothing can stop me here with you. #000000;">Superhuman.. I feel so superhuman x2 It's not a bird, not a plane, it's my heart and it's going gone away. My only weekness is you, only reason is you, every minute with you I feel like I can do, anything.. Going, going i'm gone away, in love. You've changed my whole life, don't know what you're doing to me with your love. I'm feeling all superhuman you did that to me, a superhuman heart beats in me, nothing can stop me here with you. Superhuman..#993366;"> Hoppas alla orkar läsa även om allt blir helt CP!
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oftar du gillar honom :D? jag trodde att du typ..inte lyssnade på r'n'b iiiihiiiii :) , han är fett snygg:O!<3

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