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Love, Sex, Money, and Power: A Devotional Commentary
by Edward B. Allen
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Love, sex, money, and power seem to be necessary for happiness in modern life. The bookstore down the street carries self-help and how-to books, promising success. But rampant divorce indicates lasting love is rare. Sexy advertisements imply one must buy their products for satisfying sex. Many yearn for a lottery jackpot, but only a few win. The corporate rat race shows that power is limited to the elite. The bookstore may not have answers, but God does. What does the Bible have to say about love, sex, money, and power? What are his answers for today?
Love, Sex, Money, and Power: A Devotional Commentary is a topical study with a devotional emphasis. Biblical principles are valuable for everyone, but new-adult Christians (ages 18-30), in particular, will find this book especially relevant. It includes personal stories and applications. The body of this book is comments on the Scriptures in everyday language, punctuated by short meditations.
Love, Sex, Money, and Power: A Devotional Commentary is based on the conviction that any ordinary Christian can read and understand the main ideas of the Scriptures and find them relevant to life today. It is not an academic commentary, but notes include cultural information and definitions of key Greek words from commonly available references, such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Features include Scripture quotations from the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) and other modern translations, meditations, a wealth of Bible cross references, and an index. The following is the table of contents.
- Love, sex, money, and power
I. Love
- "Nobody loves me"
- Does anybody love me?
- How do I react to love?
- Why don’t I feel loved?
- "I love mankind; it’s people I can’t stand"
- Love myself?
- Love my family?
- Love my wife?
- Love my brother?
- Love my neighbor?
- Love a stranger?
- Love my enemy?
- Do I have to love everybody?
- "Happiness is a warm puppy"
- How can I love with actions?
- Is love just a warm feeling?
II. Sex
- "Safe sex"
- Who invented sex?
- Is intimacy in marriage possible?
- Is safe sex really safe?
- "If it feels good, do it"
- Are we liberated yet?
- Are we having fun yet?
- Should I do it?
- "Looking for love in all the wrong places"
- Isn’t premarital sex normal?
- Where can I find love?
- Looking for love like everyone else?
III. Money
- "I never have enough"
- Will God provide for me?
- Can I quit my job?
- Will I always be poor?
- "Give and it shall be given unto you"
- Will God make me rich?
- Is money the root of all evil?
- Is it for a good cause?
- Why am I not prosperous yet?
- "He who dies with the most toys wins"
- How much is enough?
- Is financial freedom possible?
- Do I want more toys?
IV. Power
- "Knowledge is power"
- Is an expert powerful?
- Is an expert about God powerful?
- Will knowledge make me powerful?
- "Don’t get mad, get even"
- Rebellion?
- Revenge?
- Repentance?
- Restitution?
- Reconciliation?
- Rebuilding trust?
- Restoration?
- Do I still want to get even?
- "Speak softly and carry a big stick"
- Who has the biggest stick?
- Does God heal today?
- Does God restore outcasts?
- Are demons real?
- Is raising the dead possible?
- Can I have supernatural power?
- "When all else fails, read the instructions"
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I. Love
- Does anybody love me?
- How do I react to love?
- Why don’t I feel loved?
- Love myself?
- Love my family?
- Love my wife?
- Love my brother?
- Love my neighbor?
- Love a stranger?
- Love my enemy?
- Do I have to love everybody?
- How can I love with actions?
- Is love just a warm feeling?
II. Sex
- Who invented sex?
- Is intimacy in marriage possible?
- Is safe sex really safe?
- Are we liberated yet?
- Are we having fun yet?
- Should I do it?
- Isn’t premarital sex normal?
- Where can I find love?
- Looking for love like everyone else?
III. Money
- Will God provide for me?
- Can I quit my job?
- Will I always be poor?
- Will God make me rich?
- Is money the root of all evil?
- Is it for a good cause?
- Why am I not prosperous yet?
- How much is enough?
- Is financial freedom possible?
- Do I want more toys?
IV. Power
- Is an expert powerful?
- Is an expert about God powerful?
- Will knowledge make me powerful?
- Rebellion?
- Revenge?
- Repentance?
- Restitution?
- Reconciliation?
- Rebuilding trust?
- Restoration?
- Do I still want to get even?
- Who has the biggest stick?
- Does God heal today?
- Does God restore outcasts?
- Are demons real?
- Is raising the dead possible?
- Can I have supernatural power?