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Marriage not dating 13blm part 2 | Article |
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I can't wait for Gi Tae to get jealous of the budding romance between Jang Mi and Yeo Reum. Now all of a sudden, the truth is just so much more cating to believe. Jang-mi realizes that Hoon-dong only wanted to bring her here, and sees through his so-called apology. It was obvious that she never intented to get pregnant, and also that she has acutal feelings for Hoon Dong. When I was a child sometimes I got beaten by my dad if I did big mistakes or if I've been too mean or too rude to him. I like the show so I want to spill out my feels. All her actions so far reeks of manipulation. It need not involve brutal physical force, and to acknowledge this does not in any way diminish the terrible experiences of people whose rapes involved violence and physical coercion. She tries to walk around him, but he asks her to come to his house to meet his mother. Also Yeo Reum may seem less complicated now but he clearly has his own deep-seated baggage that he has not dealt with. Plus it's kinda questionable if she did it for a power play, since she had no power over him and 13.bölü only lodged rape cases against women where the platiff was a man have been women who sexually abused boys which is clear and women who forced it in a sexual harassment case. He tries to explain, but both women leave him standing in the street helpless. Who would let this woman operate on them. Rewatch Value: Oh marriage not dating 13.bölüm part 2, this one of the few kdramas I will never marriage tired rewatching. Thanks for recapping this one. Each time he complains with a big smile on his face, but is disappointed when she fades away. I really love both leads!.I think it is after that long held sexual abuse case where a sexual abuser forced a girl to marry him. Anyways love it, cant wait for the guy to fall parrt over heels and the adting to be so not bothered! After a procedure, he finally answers and sounds annoyed, but promises to be there. He is so immature, I think that was the only way. Han Groo is awesome, but in a totally different, Tarantino heroine kind of way. And to equate what happened in the episode with real rape is totally over the top.It's because Hyun hee is a woman that there are qualms calling it what it is.