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Ffxiii 2 crystarium optimization guide: >> << (Download)
Ffxiii 2 crystarium optimization guide: >> << (Read Online)
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ff13-2 crystarium explained
1 Feb 2012 Well, right quick getting into Final Fantasy 13-2, one may notice the Crystarium to be quite puzzling. After checking my guide and poking around a bit, I think I've managed to make sense of it. What is the Crystarium in FF13-2? The Crystarium in FF13-2 is essentially the way you build your character's
17 Feb 2012 == Introduction = [Intro] == This guide is intended to take the data published by Piggyback in the official Final Fantasy XIII-2 guide and present it in a more palatable format. Piggyback did an incredible job of of laying out a Crystarium progression that optimizes Serah's stat
15 Dec 2011 Just finished 13 and I am going directly into 13-2. I've seen a lot of guides/discussion about the crystarium in this game, and my question is, will I be able to complete the game/ (most) side quests by just throwing points in willy-nilly, or will I severely cripple my characters? I don't need the perfect team, but I
11 Dec 2014 Although the character enhancement systems in Final Fantasy XIII and its sequel are both called the same thing, Final Fantasy XIII-2 uses a very different Crystarium. In this one, all the nodes are blank rather than preset. You choose what they become, by selecting an available role for Serah or Noel.
Serah's best roles are Saboteur, Ravager, medic and Commando. And she is more naturally inclined towards magic rather than strength. here is her optimized leveling route: Stage 1: COM: 9, RAV: 10, SEN: 3, CP COST: 2,580. Stage 2: COM: 20, RAV: 19, CP COST: 4,570. Stage 3: COM: 26, RAV: 23, SAB:
10 Oct 2013 Recommended Crystarium Growth - Final Fantasy XIII-2: Recommended Crystarium Growth Notes: Before reading further, please note that this is the Optimum Crystarium development. Key word being Optimum.
-To level SYN if current SYN level is even -To level Ravager (if none of the above are possible) Serah: (Starts off as Com: 2, Rav: 2, Sen: 1) Serah's best roles are Saboteur, Ravager, medic and Commando. And she is more naturally inclined towards magic rather than strength. here is her optimized leveling
13 Feb 2012
6 Feb 2012 How to level up Crystarium, tune Paradigm Decks and master roles in Final Fantasy 13-2. In this guide, we'll be covering the new crystarium, the 6 character roles and paradigms. For optimization of stats for your characters, level the roles which give you your desired stats on large nodes only.
8 Feb 2012 Glade I waited on upgrading; Dude did work. Level Bonuses and CP Costs are below. Serah 1: Sen 1 (S) Rav 2 (L) Sen 2 (S) Rav 3 (L) Com 2 (S)