February 2010
I stared down my mug of life, watching the liquid so gloom lookes almost like coffee and taste like my doom but as i rased the cup, ready to drink something happened that made me stop and blink y
Fick äntligen mina efterlängtade brillor i posten idag, har väntat på dom så länge nu, visst är dom coola~~! XDD
Enda sen du tog den här bilden har jag haft iden att göra en egen version av den. Peri, du vet X3 ni andra...well tough luck, det är ett internskämt X3 awell, teven kritiserar mig, typical "^^,
well heluuuu people~~ time for crazy drawing time, and this time my new pray will be ghostly thin jim without eyes X3 dun you just wanna feed him sumfin'? XDD älskar hur hans händer blev, och håret
jim again, this time he's laughing at your stupidityX3 nice teeth no? jag känner mig verklgien megaflum idag X3 ...jag skyller på för mycket pluggande, damn you to hell!
oh look, there he is again, both of them, and that was all of jim for today, dun think you can handle anymore than that. tune in next week when try involv jim with other people, that will be fuuuun~~