Thursday 2 April 2009 photo 1/1
I am free!!
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Mon 29 Jun 2009 20:20
"you are free to do as we tell you" var det någon som sa en gång i tiden. men han är död nu, precis som alla andra :O
Fri 3 Apr 2009 19:34
Eyaa! just det. vad är din hotmail adress.. ska ju skicka dig det där också ;P... hur äre med dig??
Thu 2 Apr 2009 14:58
Or one can CHOOSE to do those things. We all have the freedom of choice.
Thu 2 Apr 2009 14:59
The best way to give people freedom is to make them BELIVE they have freedom.... no people normaly dont have the choice, cause most people have no fucking idea how to live anything else than the statement above, thanks to education and parrents... and the other "choice" can make you a outcast, criminal, rebel, lowlife or whatever, but normaly somebody that is not ACCEPTED nor RESPECTED in "society"... fuck society... check out .. i visited them, they have taken up on Ishmael "thinking", and are going back to living like hunter gatheres... great bunch of people =)
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