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Psy Smiley Facebook Code >>>
You can use these patterns in Facebook comments and in other places around the web. Watch QueueQueueWatch QueueQueue Remove allDisconnect The next video is startingstop Loading. et ses pines ? - Duration: 1:23. Close Learn more You're viewing YouTube in English (US). Skip navigation RUSign inSearch Loading. You can change this preference below. We have popular Facebook symbols like smiley faces -- ; 9 : ("") heart symbols d e e g f a peace signs . There are not unnecessary installs or add-ons associated with our images, so the process is always simple and you are just a click away from expressing your thoughts and feelings with your Facebook friends.We currently have more than 1000 Facebook emoticons and smileys. .. SurrosoftPrograms 10,912 views 9:00 Loading more suggestions. Share Emotions using Text EmoticonsCool Text using symbolsASCII Text ArtTwitter Art. RihannaVEVO 102,321,861 views 3:59 Smilly - La Corrida - Duration: 4:28. Sign in 1 Loading. Rating is available when the video has been rented. SEARCH BY NAME SIMILAR NAMES Psy Smily Psi Smiley Psy Smile Pay Smiley -->. Victor 161,582 views 3:56 Facebook chat emoticons (shark, robot, peguin, smilly face, angel) - Duration: 1:01. With these symbols we can arrange some interesting patterns and make whole "smiley pictures" in the same way that we make text pictures using plainly symbols. With a tool I made, you can make your own special pattern and simply choose where you want what kind of icon made from symbol. Loading. Rating is available when the video has been rented. Kenneth Hkonsen 121,249,501 views 0:34 Cyrielle Ca prend mwen trop temps - Duration: 3:49. You can change this preference below. Since these Facebook shortcuts are supported by all the popular browsers, you can easily send secret smileys and hidden Facebook emoticons to all your friends to enjoy.When browsing our site, you will also discover dozens of Unicode signs and Facebook symbol codes for your status and comments. Add to Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Loading. Click here to view emojis like they look in Facebook Messanger. .. Sign in Statistics Add translations 1,318 views 10 Like this video? Sign in to make your opinion count. (>‿◠)✌ . Close Yeah, keep it Undo Close This video is unavailable. Working. .. Even post numbered lists and quotes. Published on Jan 2, 2013Salut tous le monde on se retrouve pour une " vidos " trs courte qui consiste vous montrez comment Faire PSY - GANGNAM STYLE en smiley sur Faceboook !! Sa ne marche que en message priv ! Le code que vous deviez copier / collez entirement ![[490550790968952]][[490550800968951]][[490550807635617]][[490550820968949]][[490550837635614]][[490550847635613]][[490550857635612]][[490550867635611]][[490550877635610]][[490550884302276]][[490550894302275]][[490550900968941]][[490550914302273]][[490550924302272]][[490550937635604]][[490550947635603]][[490550954302269]][[490550967635601]] Category Entertainment License Standard YouTube License Show more Show less Loading. Jump toSections of this pageAccessibility HelpPress alt + / to open this menuRemoveTo help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. KillerPro06 8,042 views 3:20 Emoji Smileys auf Facebook - auch am PC! - Duration: 0:38 5a02188284