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Expressed emotions pdf: >> << (Download)
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The expressed emotion (EE) is considered to be an adverse family environment, which includes the quality of interaction patterns and nature of family relationships among the family caregivers and patients of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. Influence of EE has been found to be one of the robust predictors of
1 Feb 2008 Discussion: The findings of the psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the LEE established its potential as a research instrument in measuring the level of expressed emotion of family members as perceived by Chinese patients with psychotic disorders. Further testing of its psychometric
Abstract. Although mental health profes- sionals have shown much enthusi- asm for the concept "expressed emotion (EE)," little critical analysis of the concept has appeared in the literature. Placing families in di- chotomous categories of high EE and low EE amounts to stereotyp- ing; such an approach does little to.
Full-text (PDF) | Expressed emotion (EE) is currently among the most thoroughly investigated psychosocial research constructs in psychiatry. Expressed emotion (EE) is the general re?ection of the family's attitude towards the patient as a precursor to relapse in major psychiatric disorders. On the
Introduction. Expressed Emotion (EE) refers to a construct representing some key aspects of interpersonal relationships. It includes measurements of criticism, hostility, warmth, positive comments, and emotional over-involvement. The original impetus for research on the impact of families on schizophrenia arose when it was.
4. Hospital and Community. Psychiatry. Expressed. Emotion in. Families: A Critical Review. Joel. Kanter, M.S.W.. H. Richard. Lamb, M.D.. Cynthia. Loeper, M.S.W.. Research on expressed emotion in the families of scbizoj,brenic pa- tients has seemed to offer a new perspective on environmental fac- tors that cause relapse.
Purpose of This Review. The intent of this piece is to gather together essential elements of Expressed Emotion (EE) — as preparation for articles expanding our knowledge of the emotional effects of family life — good and bad. I used an earlier version to prepare my editorial for Military Medicine, “Family's Expressed.
Since the introduction of the concept of expressed emotion (EE) (Brown et al, 1962, 1972), that is emotion expressed by close relatives towards a family member with schizophrenia, there have been several studies focusing on its influence on the course of schizophrenia and other disorders. Although most studies have
This study compared the expressed emotion (EE) scores obtained using individual interviews with parents with the scores obtained in whole family interviews. Interviews were carried out with 31 parents of 16 adolescents referred because of an eating disorder. There was moderate correlation of scores between the two
A sizeable body of research has demonstrated that expressed emotion (EE) predicts clinical relapse in a number of distinct psychiatric disorders. These findings have provided the impetus for the development of interventions that attempt to reduce patients' relapse rates by modifying aspects of the family environment