Thursday 2 April 2009 photo 1/1
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Hittade En Artikel Om IPRED-Lagen
"We estimate there are two million file-sharing [computers] in Sweden, so even if they prosecuted a 1000 people to make an example of them, for an individual user it is still a very small risk."
"Now we can go get the courts to force ISPs to disclose the user information of an IP address.
"In two weeks time, we will know exactly who owns that IP. We can then do nothing, ask him to stop, or sue him for damages. We won't do this for small offenders, this is just for the big fish," Kjell Bohlund added.
Det roliga är att detta inte står i någon tidning eller artikel här i Sverige, för då skulle väl alla "small-offenders" fortsätta ladda hem. Nu kan dom ju skrämma folk som inte vet bättre.
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