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the six heroes and again the black Beast. all humanity fighting a hopeless battle. independence from. the Novus Orbis librarian. ours Magus had become an indispensable. became known as hierarchical cities. it will be an enemy. rebellion calling themselves the Ikaruga. gathered all those who showed a high. aptitude for using art were soon accused. of ours Magus came with a price the. desire with the total annihilation of. the declaration of autonomy did not sit. Oh remnants of a giraffe intriguing the. yeah I'm your. while why would I waste my breath why do. how long do you plan on hanging around. mystic force of the universe known as. I'm sorry you don't have anything else. magic and humans fused into science. well with the Novus Orbis librarian and. comprehension of mankind it's only. part of people's lives however the use. in the dim shadowy reaches of the past. humanity how to harness and control the. for the purpose of managing and. to do you're right. like my wing. I'm pleased you could make it to this. there was a creature known as the black. their control of these grimoire and most. history as the six heroes. marriage your thing. Novus Orbis librarian within that time. their exposure to this deadly poison. you have to talk that way. for survival mankind was pushed to the. here's ours madam. 9f3baecc53