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Smokey And The Bandit Malayalam Full Movie Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qzyqa
Bandit and Cledus are two truck-driving southerners who accept a dare from big-shots Big and Little Enos to pick up a truckload of beer from Texas and return it to them within a specified amount of time. Picking it up is simple enough, but as they are leaving Texas, Bandit unwittingly picks up Carrie, a hitchhiking bride-to-be who just left her groom, Junior, at the altar. Junior, however, is the son of Sheriff Buford T. Justice. And when Buford and Junior discover what has happened, they go on a "high-speed pursuit" across the Southeast to catch the bandit.
The Bandit is hired on to run a tractor trailer full of beer over state lines, in hot pursuit by a pesky sheriff.
Smokey and the Bandit is and always will be a classic movie that deserves to be held in high regard. The movies' lack of conventional movie components is what keeps this wonderful film from falling into the same banal cycle that every action film tends to do. For those who generally do not enjoy the film, its mainly do to the fact that they crave unrealistic action, and a hard line, drawn out, easy to follow plot, like the Fast and Furious films. Smokey and the Bandit tackles race barriers, disobedience of the law, and sexual misconduct in a manner that keeps viewers from changing the channel. Movies like Smokey and the Bandit are not successful because they are "overhyped" and do not become a classic just because it did well in box office sales in 1977. The film is great because it dared to be different. The rebellious protagonist of the film, Burt Reynolds A.K.A the bandit, was always a step ahead of "the Smokey's" and rightfully so, for it only added to and developed his character as the baddest cowboy om the road. Classic Movie. Always worth a watch.
Worthy of adding to your personal collection. Burt Reynolds plays the part of the Bandit, a heart-throb for all white-trash trailer dwelling women, to a tee. Jackie Gleason does an impeccable job of bringing to life the role of the backwards southern sheriff, one of the finest performances of his great career. The soundtrack was an instant classic, combining folk, bluegrass and country, and leaving the viewer with an urge to recite the lyrics for days after. A must see for all serious movie watchers. Sally Field portrays a talented dancer who bails out on a marriage to the son of the stereotypical "southern" sheriff. The sheriff takes this as a personal insult and a dishonor to his authority. He then treks across the south in "hot pursuit" of the runaway bride and along the way encounters his arch-nemesis, The Bandit, resulting in non-stop laughs throughout the movie. This film combines sexuality (two of the hottest stars of the '70s and '80s), laughter (Jackie Gleason, need I say more), and a great feel-good script. I almost forgot this movie's greatest contribution to humanity, the introduction of a natural star, Fred the dog.
There is a parade of roadside set pieces involving may different ways to crash cars. Overlaid is citizens band radio jabber (hence, the title) which is loaded with downhome gags. Field is the hottest element in the film.
Smokey was CB slang for the Police, especially state troopers who would often wear Smokey the Bear style hats. a5c7b9f00b
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