Saturday 13 March 2010 photo 1/1
åh jag e så trött och irriterad -.-
shoppingrunda med mamma XP väldigt okul:) vi kollade i en massa bebi-butiker och köpte en ljuskrona till en halvårsgammal bebis XP
Just one kiss on my lips
Was all it took to seal the future
Just one look from your eyes
Was like a certain kind of torture
Once upon a time
There was a boy
There was a girl
Just one touch from your hands
Was all it took to make me falter
Was all it took to seal the future
Just one look from your eyes
Was like a certain kind of torture
Once upon a time
There was a boy
There was a girl
Just one touch from your hands
Was all it took to make me falter
Comment the photo
Sat 13 Mar 2010 18:42
Shit trude först ni skulle handla för hon har bestämt sig för att skaffa en beby
2 comments on this photo