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Tartuffe. Moliere. Work reproduced with no ed itorial respo nsib ility .. For these past two days, how have things gone on? What has happened? And how is everyone? Dorine. The first day your wife had a bad fe- ver. And a headache that just wouldn't leave her. Orgon. And Tartuffe? Dorine. Tartuffe? He's in splendid
This Dover edition, first published in 2000, contains the unabridged text of Tartuffe, based on the. 18th-century translation from the French by H. Baker and J. Miller. A new Note has been added. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Moliere, 1622-1673. [Tartuffe. English]. Tartuffe / Moliere. p. cm.—(Dover thrift
Jan 1, 2000 Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg.
Damis (d?a m?e?), Orgon's son, Elmire's stepson. Mariane (m?ar yan?), Orgon's daughter, Elmire's stepdaughter, in love with Valere. Valere (v?a ler?), in love with Mariane. Cleante (kle ant?), Orgon's brother-in-law. Tartuffe (t ?ar tuf?), a hypocrite. Dorine (do r?en?), Mariane's lady's maid. Monsieur Loyal (m? syo? lw?a y?al?),
Comedie. ACTEURS. MADAME PERNELLE, mere d'Orgon. ORGON, mari d'Elmire. ELMIRE, femme d'Orgon. DAMIS, fils d'Orgon. MARIANE, fille d'Orgon et amante de Valere. VALERE, amant de Mariane. CLEANTE, beau-frere d'Orgon. TARTUFFE, faux devot. DORINE, suivante de Mariane. MONSIEUR LOYAL, sergent.
Tartuffe or the Hypocrite by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere Translated by Curtis Hidden Page January, 2000 [Etext #2027] Project Gutenberg Etext of Tartuffe or the Hypocrite, by Moliere ******This file should be named 1rbnh10.txt or****** Corrected EDITIONS of our etexts get a new NUMBER, 1rbnh11.txt
6 fevr. 2012 On ignore a peu pres tout de la genese de ce premier Tartuffe. Peut-etre l'idee en nait-elle lorsque, en 1662, avec L'Ecole des femmes, Moliere subit les attaques des devots qui denoncent sa supposee impiete ? Toujours est-il que la piece est ecrite en vue des « Plaisirs de l'ile enchantee », grande fete.
Moliere. Tartuffe. Forditotta: Vas Istvan. SZEMELYEK. PERNELLE ASSZONY, Orgon anyja. ORGON, Elmira ferje. ELMIRA, Orgon felesege. DAMIS, Orgon fia. MARIANE, Orgon lanya, Valer szerelme. VALER, Mariane szerelme. CLEANTE, Orgon sogora. TARTUFFE, alszent. DORINE, Mariane komornaja. LOJALIS UR
LE TARTUFFE,. OU. L'HYPOCRITE,. COMEDIE. PAR J. B. P. DE MOLIERE. [version de 1664 reconstruite par Georges Forestier et Isabelle Grellet]. Imprime aux depens de l'Exhumeur, & ne se vend pas. A PARIS. Chez les descendants de JEAN RIBOU, au Palais, vis-a-vis. La Porte de l'Eglise de la Sainte Chapelle,.