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The Dunkirk Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r27ug
The film depicts the dramatic and true story of the Dunkirk evacuations from a war torn beach and harbour in France, following the seemingly doomed plight of allied soldiers in World War II. As the enemy forces close in it seems the troops have nowhere to go, but help is at hand and a fierce battle ensues.
May/June 1940. 400,000 British and French soldiers are holed up in the French port town of Dunkirk. The only way out is via sea, and the Germans have air superiority, bombing the British soldiers and ships without much opposition. The situation looks dire and, in desperation, Britain sends civilian boats in addition to its hard-pressed navy to try to evacuate the beleaguered forces. This is that story, seen through the eyes of a soldier amongst those trapped forces, two RAF fighter pilots and a group of civilians on their boat, part of the evacuation fleet.
Dunkirk is a historical war action drama, written and directed by Christopher Nolan. I have always been a big Nolan fan so naturally I was hyped for this movie. Nolan has knack of taking a genre he has never done before and somehow make it appealing to the masses and intelligent at the same time. A superhero trilogy? Check. A dream heist film? Check. A space travel sci-fi? Check. Admittedly, I am not a big fan of the war genre, but I was still very curious to see how Nolan would tackle it.
The film is unquestionably extremely well-made, and I could see why people would love it and claim it as one of the best movies of the year, but to me it was just far too dull. While the interweaving of three perspectives is interesting, I did not feel any tension during the lackluster action scenes because I did not care about any of the characters since their development was non-existent. A lot of the times, unless it was Cillian Murphy or Tom Hardy, I could not even tell which character was who, complicating things to an already unexciting movie. Hans Zimmer's soundtrack was also a miss, which is shocking because I loved all his previous Nolan efforts. Also for a war movie, it really could have benefited from an R-rating, as the bloodless PG-13 makes things even duller than it already is.
There are a few things I really liked though, namely the sound design when the spitfire jets were descending down the beach, wailing terrifyingly like monstrous banshees. The acting was also mostly well performed throughout by everybody especially Mark Rylance as a civilian going into Dunkirk to save the men. The film's technical excellence cannot be denied, but with uninteresting action and monotonous characters, Dunkirk was just a disappointment. You can say I do not understand the film, but I believe I understood it just fine; I was just not as enthralled as should be to Nolan standards.
One of the most intense scenes in Christopher Nolan's war movie 'Dunkirk' doesn't feature bombs, planes or boats. It shows three soldiers, sitting on the beach, looking at the surf, waiting for help that may never come. While they're sitting there, we see another soldier behind them. He is walking over the beach towards the sea, first dropping his helmet, than his gun. He keeps walking and disappears into the sea. The three soldiers sitting on the beach know what they've seen. And so does the audience. Not a word is said, but an awful lot is shown.
This scene proves that 'Dunkirk', other than some of Nolan's previous movies, is not only visual bravado. It's not just big budget film making, aimed at entertaining large audiences yearning for the ultimate cinema experience. Nolan uses his big budget to tell us something. To give us a history lesson. To show us the Dunkirk evacuation as it really happened. Never do this again, he advises us. Never again decide to send innocent teenagers into a senseless, cruel war.
The film is outstanding in many respects. One: the narrative structure is a tour de force. Three different story perspectives with three different time frames are blended into one film, showing the same events from different angles. Two: technically, the film is perfect. Without many computer generated images, Nolan lets boats sink, planes go down and bombs explode. Three: it may sound strange, but in 'Dunkirk', war has an aesthetic quality. Thousands of soldiers queuing on the flat beach, waiting for boats that are nowhere to be seen, is a remarkable sight and Nolan makes the best of it. The same with the masses of identically clad soldiers, and with the impressive opening scene of soldiers catching flyers, wafting through the empty streets of Dunkirk. Four: 'Dunkirk' is an overall white-knuckle experience. Even although we know how it all ends, the suspense is always there because we don't know who will live in the end and who won't. The minimalist and extremely effective soundtrack adds even more adrenaline.
At the very end of the film, the chilling observations of war cruelty are followed by sentimental British patriotism. In my view, it's the only minor flaw of this otherwise remarkable cinematographic experience.
Dunkirk is a monumental, unconventional, and frequently stunning war movie.
In particular, the evading of the German fighter seems to be directly based on Commander Lightoller's experiences. His oldest son was an RAF pilot killed in the early days of World War II. a5c7b9f00b
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