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Translog functional form stata manual: >> << (Download)
Translog functional form stata manual: >> << (Read Online)
The Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) technique may be used in modelling functional .. Translog function. • Translog function is very commonly used – it is a generalisation of the Cobb-. Douglas function. • It is a flexible functional form providing a second order . Most standard packages such as STATA and LIMDEP.
14 Mar 2016 With IO scale (increasing, constant, and decreasing) for a sample of observations. With of the functional form of the production technology. On the other hand, the economic (2.47) which is observation-specific. The elasticity of substitution, , can (2.50) If the production function is homogeneous, that is, (2.51)
A Practitioner's Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using STATA. by Kumbhakar, Wang & Horncastle, Cambridge University Press, 2015. Into the Chapter 4 (Cost Frontier Model , pp.100-127), you can find a section (4.5.2) that discusses the estimation methods, focusing on ML estimation (p.125) and an example on a
1 Nov 2010 The model that frontier actually fits is of the form yi = ?0 + k. ? j="1" ?jxji + vi ? sui where s = { 1, for production functions. ?1, for cost functions so, in the context of the discussion above, yi = ln(qi), and xji = ln(zji) for a production function; and for a cost function, yi = ln(ci), and the xji are the ln(pji) and ln(qi).
optimization options control the optimization process; seldom used eps(#) specify # for convergence criteria; default is eps(1e-5) ifgnlsiterate(#) set maximum number of FGNLS iterations ifgnlseps(#) specify # for FGNLS convergence criterion; default is ifgnlseps(1e-10) delta(#) specify stepsize # for computing derivatives;
You don't want to restrict yourself so much; you want the data to tell you that Cobb-Douglas is the right functional form. Start with the little devil known as a translog production function, which is quite general but has parameter restrictions that imply Cobb-Douglas. Say you have data on K's and L's and Y's.
with the above functions, flexible functional forms such as the Generalized Leontief. (GL), Translog (TL), Quadratic . Therefore, the translog functional form is theoretically consistent, flexible, economical in parameters . computation is carried out using the micro version of the Stata softwarpackage. Technical change is
30 Oct 2013 is there some reason why the built-in techniques (-h fvvarlist-) don't do what you want? Rich On 10/30/13, 3:13 PM, Laura Di Giorgio wrote: > Dear colleagues, > Does any of you know a way to automatically create interaction terms for n variables? When I model a translog production function, I run in the
9 Feb 2013
Downloadable! translog generates new variables for a translog function with the specified variables. The translog function form is widely applied in empirical studies for it is regarded as the second order approximation to the unknown function. For the regression with a translog function, it is need to create a combination of