Sunday 5 August 2007 photo 1/1
A - Available?: Do you care ? ;) A - Age: 14 A - Annoyance: Fucker -.-' B - Best Friends?: August är bäst efter mig (H) B - Bar: My dad owns one -.-' B - Birthday?: 2 April C - Crush: eller nåt.. C - Car: Why not ? :O C - Cat: allergic. D - Dead Pets Name: Buddy, Bill, Victor. D - Dad's Name: Seb D - Dog(s): none atm. E - Easiest person to talk to: Din mamma -.-' E - Eggs: Hard boiled or scrambled. E - Email: F - Favorite colour?: Bläck und red F - Food: is like heavy lesbian porn! (aka extremely good) F - Foreign Slang: Yo, niggah G (H) G - Gummy Bears or Worms: SUGAR :D G - God: Marilyn Manson G - Good Times: Fucking memory like a goldfish, fuck do I remember ? H - Hair Color: Dark brown - soon black. H - Height: 1.68, 1.69 ? H - Happy: perhaps. I - Ice Cream: Sandwich or magnum classic. I - Instrument: Guitar. I - Idol: Marilyn Manson J - Jewelry: Thor's Hammer and two bracelets. J - Job: nope. J - Jokes: Are teh shiet. (Y) K - Kids: You mean slaves ? K - Karate: Taekwondo, mf. -.-' K - Kung Fu: Brutal shit that I want to do :D L - Love: Sex. L - Longest Car Ride: Chamoniox (France) - Helsingborg <3 (Sweden) L - Lipstick or Chapstick: Dude. M - Milk Flavour: Milk ? M - Mother's Name: Carina M - Movie Last Watched: American Pie 2 N - Number of Siblings: 2 (half) N - Northern or Southern: Your mom. -.-' N - Name: Stoffe GP O - One Wish: - O - One Phobia?: Spiders (insects in general) O - Otter Pop: w00t ? P - Parents, are they married or divorced: neither - seperated. P - Part of your appearence you like best: Fuck do I know? P - Part of your Personality you like best: Muzic stile, mf. Q - Quick or Slow?: Pretty quick :O Q - Queer or Straight?: Straight (H) Q - Queen or King?: King (Y) R - Reason to smile: Muzic. R - Reality TV Show: Tv sucks -.-' R - Right or Left: Right. S - Song Last Heard: Bend Your Arms To Look Like Wings - Funeral For A Friend S - Season: Late spring, ealy summer. S - Series: your mom -.-' T - Time you woke up: 8.30 -.-' T - Time Now: 14.20 T - Time for bed: Whateva. U - Unknown: people. U - Unicorns: fuckers ? U - You are?: Teh 1337 (H) V - Vegetable you hate: Peppers :| V - Vegetable you love: Cucumber (Y) V - View on Politics: MONARCHY!! W- Worst Habit: Bite my nails? W- Where are you going to travel next: to my dads, a bike ride for 30 min. W- What's up?: You -.-' X - X-Rays: najs (H) X - X-Rated: not good. X - XYZ: Always. Y - Year you were born: 1993 Y - Year it is now: 2007 Y - Yellow?: My gameboy (Y) Z - Zoo Animal: you. Z - Zodiac: - Z - Zoolander?: w00t ?
Fri 24 Aug 2007 14:23
Z - Zodiac: = stjärntecken
Sun 5 Aug 2007 22:42
F - Food: is like heavy lesbian porn! (aka extremely good)
aka jag och marie (Y)
aka jag och marie (Y)
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