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På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
birthday party of my cousin....and i ate too much cake^^
I'm gonna miss you grandpa <3
shopping tour with my family in rostock....much fun and i ate tooooo much again^^
Well, you know Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer, and Vixen, [Comet, and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen] But do you recall The most famous reindeer of all? [Is it Herman, is it Shermon? Is it Eddy, is i
watching today 'Santa Clause'
me with a new haircut
me and my sister
my sister with her boyfriend
Happy Birthday!!!!! <3
me and the birthday child
my father and me
decoration of our christmas tree
Our Christmas Tree
at christoph's house...
...and he got his christmas present;)
:) (:
presents present presents....i only see presents!
me with my "baby"-calendar
Christine: Think of me,think of me fondly when we've said goodbye Remember me,every so often,promise me you'll try, On that day,that not so distant day, when you are far away and free, if you ever fin