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The Accountant Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r25g5
As a math savant uncooks the books for a new client, the Treasury Department closes in on his activities, and the body count starts to rise.
Christian Wolff is an efficient accountant that is usually hired to find financial deceptions and embezzlement for criminal organizations. His point of contact is a woman's voice by phone and the means of payment are sometimes valuable paintings or gold bars instead of money. Christian was an autistic child that received a rigid military training with his brother Braxton from their paranoid military father. The director of the Treasure Department Raymond "Ray" Kinghas been unsuccessfully hunting The Accountant for a long period and he blackmails the efficient analyst Marybeth Medina to identify who he is before his retirement. When the accountant, Dana Cummings, finds an embezzlement of 61 million-dollars in the Living Robotics, Christian is hired to audit the company by the owner Lamar Blackburn and his sister Rita Blackburn. The financial director Ed Chilton tells that Dana committed a mistake but soon Christian checks the books and confirms the embezzlement. During the night, Chilton is murdered as if he had committed suicide and Lamar finishes the audit affecting Christian that have not finished his work. Soon Dana and Chris are hunted down by hitmen and Christian protects her. Meanwhile Medina finds his true identity and Christian is hunted by Ray and the FBI. Who might be the person behind the embezzlement?
This movie has a lot of flaws. The script is rambling, the sequencing not coherent, the portrayal of autism stereotypical and, worst of all, it has Anna Kendrick in it.
Affleck does his best to portray the 'dead on the inside' accountant who just wants to feel and be loved. But, the messy story line and the altogether silly arc of the narrative left me thinking 'Just another bad movie you're in Ben...ya need to stop and think really hard before you agree to the next project'. Because, from his (let's say) 'crowning achievement' of Argo (which left me 'Eh!' for the record), Affleck has slowly slid down into roles that any guy over six feet tall and broad at the beam could have played. It would be churlish to say that, like his old chum, Matt Damon, Affleck is trying too hard to be part of a franchise action series like the 'Bourne' movies. (Though, 'The Accountant' left us in no doubt, like Arnie, he'll 'be back'). Nevertheless, this is just another pot-boiler action movie along the lines of so many others that take up space at the cinema and, unsurprisingly, do very well there too. So, 2017...book your seats for 'The Accountant 2...Payback'.
There is a well honed cast of supporting actors here. JK Simmons is good, though not great and must have choked on some of the lines he had to say. John Lithgow earned his keep (though from scene 1 he appeared in, we knew he was the bad guy...pantomime boo hiss). Cynthia Addai-Robinson tries really hard to be convincing in her role as a put upon special agent though, she fails. And the great Jeffrey Tambor is on screen for too little time to value the appearance and contribution of such a fine actor in this rambling story. Where it all really does fall apart is when Ana Kendrick appears on screen. Seriously? You expect us to take her seriously? For sure there are a lot of actors appearing in movies who got there by luck and not by talent but, she can't act. She can't do it. I mean, look...she cannot act! Now, before anybody goes haywire at me for praising some male actors here and appearing derogatory to the two female characters in this movie, I should add...Cynthia Addai-Robinson was great, I mean really great, in Luc Besson's/Olivier Megaton's 'Colombiana' a few years back. She did a really fine job in that movie. But, Anna Kendrick? Jeez, she stank in 'Up In The Air' (playing the same character as in this movie); she stank in '50/50' (playing the same character as in this movie); she stank in the truly awful 'Mr. Right' (playing the same character as in this movie) and she is currently involved in 'Pitch Perfect 3' (God help us all) which we all know will stink to high Heaven. In short, she's the luckiest, most talent-less actor out there right now. For one, I have no idea how she got there.
But, to finish on the only noteworthy thing in this movie. Jon Bernthal. Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the presence of a film star. Even though a lot of what he had to do was clichéd nonsense (the good guy/bad guy gangster type), he did it all with absolute conviction. This meant that his performance was, by far, the only credible character in the whole powder-puff that is 'The Accountant'. (Immediate disclaimer - the incongruous and plain silly ending he had to cough the last lines out of remains just that, incongruous and plain silly). But, he's a genuine star and I hope to see much more of him in better movies than this.
All in all, 2 hours passed. 4 out of 10
In The Accountant (my latest review), Ben Affleck's Christian Wolfe is being pursued by Treasury agent Raymond King (played by J. K. Simmons). As the film concludes, there's an FBI news conference in which it appears that Wolfe's autistic money handler has been captured. Cut to the next scene and Wolfe is driving away in his truck with his trailer full of guns, money, passports, and artwork attached to it. Huh? Also, there's the side character of Wolfe's brother (Jon Bernthal as "Bax"). He's quiet as a church mouse in his younger years only to emerge as an adult hit-man who spouts soliloquies and won't shut up. Yup, "Accountant" will leave you scratching your head as you walk out of the theater. A couple of critics have said that this film doesn't "add" up. Knee slapper. I'm gonna go the more original route and say that The Accountant is a "taxing" affair (taxing is the informal definition for murderous).
Anyway, if you haven't already heard, "Accountant's" trailer is a tad misleading. This vehicle doesn't entirely delve into the art of managing economic entities. It's more a progressive actioner, a slightly violent shoot-'em-up. Ben Affleck in the lead, mumbles his lines, puffs on his fingers, and separates his food when he's not supplying his penchant for shooting people in the head. His Wolfe becomes the butt kicking antihero, the dude who cooks the books for some sinister, criminal organizations and then inversely shoots to kill. In jest, you kinda wonder if Affleck asked his best bud Matt Damon on how to channel his own, inner Jason Bourne. I sure did.
In terms of direction, well Gavin O'Connor (Warrior) creates a sleek look for The Accountant. What can I say, Atlanta, GA substitutes well for Plainfield, Illinois. This flick is also edited nicely despite a plot that contains a few dangling loose ends. O'Connor's strong points are the flashbacks he provides. They involve Christian Wolfe's childhood (Wolfe nervously works on puzzles, has conniption fits, and learns advanced martial arts) and one flashback in particular pertaining to the J. K. Simmons trouper (talk about an intense life or death moment). Finally, "Accountant" has a twist at the end that I didn't see coming. However, it doesn't really give the viewer much closure on everything that had previously happened. To quote a song from The Hollies, "he ain't heavy, he's my brother". That'll give you a hint.
All in all, The Accountant is sophisticated yet bemused filmmaking from a director who at one time, made a juicy, more straightforward crime drama with 2008's Pride and Glory. With "Accountant", I've seen a lot worse movies in October and I've seen a lot better ones too. As a spy thriller for the socially inexpert, it will pass the time. As a serious Oscar contender come January, it's more debit than credit. Rating: A mixed 2 and a half stars.
Ben Affleck brings needed nuance to old-fashioned brains and brawn as an action hero with high-functioning autism in The Accountant.
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