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Harrington And Richardson Topper Model 58 Serial Number Lookup ->->->->
Narrow Your Search. Has Pictures No Reserve . H&R Topper 58 12 Ga. 3" Mag or 2 3/4" Minty! 30" F. 1: 4: . H&R Harrington & Richardson model 158 Topper. 1: 7: $52.00:. Locate Harrington Richardson on sale below with the biggest . Its real and if look at the search engine . Harrington And Richardson Model Bulldog 32 .. Harrington and Richardson H&R MC-58 Model 65 Modified (USMC .22 Trainer) . H&R MODEL #65 MODIFIED HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON . a list of the MC-58 serial numbers and .. Harrington & Richardson Topper model 158 12 gauge single shot.. gun data,gun-data, gun serial numbers, . Smith & Wesson, Remington, or an obscure make and model gun,Gun-Data is here to make it easy for you. .. Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., A Short Illustrated History of . INCLUDES SERIAL NUMBERS AND DATES OF MANUFACTURE.. H&R Topper M48 - serial number? . looking for info on my topper m 48. i got a HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON THE SERIAL # IS 14104 AND ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF THE .. Find Harrington Richardson on sale here with the largest selection of Harrington Richardson . Harrington Richardson 48 58 . Harrington Richardson Model Topper .. Harrington & Richardson Revolvers . Model 929 was available in 2 1/2", .. Browse all new and used Harrington & Richardson Rifles for sale . Harrington & Richardson Model 60 . Harrington and Richardson M1 Garand serial number 55455XX .. Harrington & Richardson Contact Information Phone . Serial Numbers Starting with N or H and . NW 123456 = 2006 Model or HW 123456 = 2006 Model A-1986 .. Serial number begins with "I," which puts this in the 1948 . Harrington & Richardson 20 Gauge Shotgun "Project . H&R Topper Model 158 .. Unfortunately for owners of older H&R firearms, . in the U.S. with Harrington & Richardson model HK4 . Richardson was assigned serial number ranges .. Shop for 48 Topper Schematics with Numrich Gun Parts. About us; . Manufacturers Harrington & Richardson Shotguns 48 Topper. Harrington & Richardson Shotguns 48 Topper.. My father gave me a Harrington & Richardson DELUXE TOPPER M488 .410 ga. shotgun. I can not find the serial number on it. It is more that 30 yrs. old that I konw of .. UP FOR SALE H&R TOPPER MODEL 58 BREAK ACTION THIS IS IN FAIR CONDITION LOTS . Local Gun Search; Advanced . Home >> Guns >> Shotguns >> Harrington & Richardson .. Browse for your Harrington & Richardson parts and accessories from the huge selection of Numrich Gun Parts - the world's largest supplier of gun parts.. Harrington and Richardson model 38 smith & wesson . The Harrington & Richardson Topper model 158 is single . Harrington & Richardson Model: 950 Serial Number: .. I have a 20Gauge Topper Model 58 Made by . I have a 20Gauge Topper Model 58 Made by Harrington & Richardson, Inc. in Gardner Mass,USA . serial number 72874.. I have a buddy who want to get rid of two Harrington & Richardson, Inc. Trooper Model . Topper 58 (Typo?) QI have a H&R MODLE 58 TOPPER .. There is also the serial number behind the trigger guard . It can be difficult to identify Harrington & Richardson Model 1900, . Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:58 am .. I have a 20Gauge Topper Model 58 Made by . I have a 20Gauge Topper Model 58 Made by Harrington & Richardson, Inc. in Gardner Mass,USA . serial number 72874.. . , barrel length, serial numbers, . Harrington & Richardson Folding Model; Harrington & Richardson Hammer Gun; .. Harrington and Richardson is not a particularly exciting gun company, . one of their staple products was the ubiquitous Topper (Model 158), . and serial number 10.. Harrington Richardson Shotguns for sale and . Harrington & Richardson Topper 58 Camo 12 Gauge Break-Action Shotgun Full . Harrington & Richardson Model: Pardner .. There is also the serial number behind the trigger guard . It can be difficult to identify Harrington & Richardson Model 1900, . Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:58 am .. SERIAL NUMBERS AND DATES OF MANUFACTURE FOR HARRINGTON . Harrington & Richardson Arms 1942 Reising Submachine . H&R Reising .45 cal Model 50 & 55 Submachine Gun .. Online Videos Learn About Our Products with our monthly videos.. Harrington & Richardson Serialization . . Serialization. 1940 to 1982 Year. Serial Number Prefix. Year. Serial Number Prefix. Year. Serial Number Prefix.. Shop in Harrington-Richardson-Parts- from Numrich Gun Parts . Harrington & Richardson 48 Topper Shotgun Mainspring . Harrington & Richardson 48, 58, 148 Ejector .. What is an HR topper Squire jr model 58 . What year was a harrington and richardson topper model 58 serial am 209303? Harrington and Richardson used serial numbers .. Harrington and Richardson is not a particularly exciting gun company, . one of their staple products was the ubiquitous Topper (Model 158), . and serial number 10.. . H&R Topper Mod. 88 Single Shot -- Harrington & Richardson . Model: 88 / Topper Serial Number: . The left side of the receiver is marked Harrington .. I recently picked up a H&R Topper Model 58 and was curious as to exactly how old it might be. Serial Number is AS258372.. At Harrington & Richardson, the Topper name has been associated with a long-lived line of rugged, reliable and affordable single shot shotguns, . Model: Topper .. One is a 1974 Topper Model 58 12g a 3" and the . the maker of your TOPPER shotgun was Harrington & Richardson Arms . I can find no published serial number-year .. and model, and ascertain which . 1957-58 Prefix "T" for Standardweight and Prefix "A" for .. Year Serial Number Prefix Year Serial Number . Harrington & Richardson date codes Year. Serial Number Prefix. . Marlin, Harrington & Richardson, .. HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON TOPPER JR. MODEL . full name , model and calibre harrington and richardson revolver serial numbers Google Search. .. 1 harrington and richardson topper model 158 410 ga. - serial #: . 1 harrington and richardson topper model 158 410 ga. . Harrington & Richardson Model Topper 58 . 0fea0b1dc0