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Tasm.exe and tlink.exe
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tasm and tlink free download. GUI Turbo Assembler (TASM) GUI Turbo Assembler is an essential Multilingual Integrated Development Environment for Assembly... A robot for testing dead links on the World Wide Web. TLink works with plugins so it can be configured to perform various tasks on the net (exploration, links listing,.). A 32-64bit MuItilingual IDE for Assembly Language with TASM & TLINK. So to summarize, here is a sample use of TASM: tasm /l /zi hello_world.asm tlink /v hello_world.obj io.obj hello_world.exe. It is best if you run TASM close to the root of your hard drive, so don't put it in your "My Documents" folder, since it has spaces and is very long. In fact, after you download and unzip the. Check if the path to Borland in PATH is within first few (128) characters, if not move it to beginning. Check if there is no other tasm.exe than Borland in your PATH. Компилятор Turbo Assembler 4.0 (Borland). Предназначен для компиляции ассемблерных программ в машинный код в формате файлов *.EXE и *.OBJ. TASM.EXE - компилятор. TLINK.EXE - линкер. Запускать следует так: c:tasm.exe myprog.asm. Компилятор выдаст сообщение:. 2 min - Uploaded by RookieTechThis video shows how to install and use TASM in any Windows Operating System . Download. To Perform Tasm,Tlink And Execution Debugging. The Same commands are used. For Compiling : tasm “filename.asm" [without quotes]. for Linking : tlink “filename.obj" [without quotes]. For Debugger : simply “td" [without quotes] or you can use td “filename" [without quotes]. For Execution : filename.exe. Turbo Assembler (TASM) is a computer assembler (software for program development) developed by Borland which runs on and produces code for 16- or 32-bit x86 MS-DOS or Microsoft Windows. It can be used with Borland's high-level language compilers, such as Turbo Pascal, Turbo Basic, Turbo C and Turbo C++. edit file.asm (to create a new 'file.asm' file) tasm file.asm (to assemble the above file) tlink file.obj (to link the file.obj created from the above command) or(link file.obj). debug file.exe (to execute the final executable in command prompt) afdebug file.exe (to execute the final executable file created in a. TASM is Borland's Turbo Assembler. TLINK is Borland's link-editor, not only for the assembler but for C, C++,and other languages. How to Run TASM and Compile x86 Assembly Programs in Windows 7 64 bit Version (including the removed commands in Windows 7 64 bit: Debug and Edit) Assumption: The Tasm.exe & Tlink.exe files used to compile assembly file are located at C:tasm20TASM. 1. Open command prompt by pressing Windows + R, or go toStart menu -> Run, then type "cmd" (without quotes). 2. Go to the folder where the Tasm.exe & Tlink.exe files used to compile assembly file. If you are using TASM and want to link your programs to the book's link library (irvine.lib), the easiest way is to use the assembler editor (ae.exe). The following lines should be in the AE.CFG file (assembler editor configuration file), assuming the default directories were used during the TASM install and the sample program. Do skompilowania programu w assemblerze na postać pliku wykonywalnego (.com) potrzebne są zasadniczo dwa programy z pakietu - tasm.exe i tlink.exe. Tasm.exe kompiluje program w assemblerze (.asm) na postać objektu (.obj), który później musi zostać skompilowany na właściwy program .com, lub .exe przy pomocy. C:TASMBIN This is where I assume you have installed your application and when referring to my programs will use this file path. Now contained in C:TASMBIN is an executable name TASM.EXE and TLINK.EXE. TASM.EXE is the compiler which will turn are assembly code into an object file, and the. Assumption: The Tasm.exe & Tlink.exe files used to compile assembly file are located at C:tasm20TASM. 1. Open command prompt by pressing Windows + R, or go to Start menu -> Run, then type "cmd" (without quotes). 2. Go to the folder where the Tasm.exe & Tlink.exe files used to compile assembly file. Main / Libraries & Demo / Tasm.exe tlink.exe download. Tasm.exe tlink.exe download. Tasm.exe tlink.exe download. 19 May tasm /l /zi tlink /v It is best if you run TASM close to the root of your hard drive, so don't put it in your "My Documents" folder, since it has spaces and is very long. In fact, after you download and unzip. On Monday April 20, 2009 Net Cole said: This is Borland Turbo Assembler 4.1 from 1996. The file contains TASM.EXE and TLINK.EXE. The latter fails to run because it "Failed to locate protected mode loader (DPMILOAD.EXE)" so it is be incomplete. Also contains a sample program that filters TASM's output for display in. tlink /t boot,boot.bin. Now the resulting BOOT.BIN file will be flat binary, 512 bytes long. No need for removing exe header, converting to EXE to COM file etc. Please note that the same technique can be used to compile and link DOS Device Driver using TASM/TLINK pair. There is another rather poorly. /3 (32-bit code) lets you link 32-bit DOS object modules produced by TASM or a compatible assembler. This option increases the memory requirements for TLINK and slows down linking. /a (application type) lets you specify the type of EXE image: o /aa targets Windows applications. o /ap targets console applications that. tasm hw1. This produces the file hw1.obj from the file hw1.asm. Use the linker TLINK to link your file(s) together into an executable file. In this case, you have only one file (hw1.obj) to link. The name of the executable file normally ends with .exe. For our example, you type the follwing at the DOS prompt: :> tlink hw1 В данном практикуме будет предполагаться, что предложенные примеры выполняются с помощью пакета TASM (транслятор TASM.EXE, компоновщик TLINK.EXE, отладчик TD.EXE). Если файл с исходным текстом программы назван P.ASM, то строка вызова ассемблера может иметь следующий вид: tasm /z. How to get "tasm" and "tlink"? You can download from You need to perform installation in a DOS-like environment, e.g., FreeDOS, DOSBox, first. Then copy the following files: dpmi16bi.ovl rtm.exe tasm.exe tlink.exe How to get "exe2bin"? You can download from. Первый этап компиляция и это делает TASM.EXE. В результате компиляции мы получаем OBJ файл. Второй этап это сборка это выполняет файл TLINK.EXE который собирает исполняемый файл. Давайте пробовать весь этот процесс. Нам нужно написать BAT файл с именем 2.bat: ..bintasm 2.asm . azargul, для написания 64-разрядных приложений лучше сразу перейти на масм (ml64.exe, link.exe, ollydbg) синтаксис один в один как у тасма или на fasm — у него немного другой синтаксис. Borland свой тасм давно забросил, но если охота собирать под 32-разряда — тогда нужны tasm32,. Download tasm.exe dan tlink.exe. Broddy hexadecimal hunting, his bel add-on corks deeply. Kenyon choroid strum, its flowages download tasm.exe dan tlink.exe somnambulate gathered in reverse. antisocial and can cast their access Torrin Bides or stipulating unnecessarily. Ulises hipóginas restates its. how can i set up TASM in RadASM now i'm new to ASM now i want to run assebler with tasm.exe and tlink.exe. I dont know what different with tasm32,tlink32,masm32? Can i use them to assembly with my homework. But the first homework that just print "Hello" I assembler with masm32(that i installed. PROCESO DE COMPILACION CON TASM Y TLINK Para iniciar la compilación de los programas de ejemplo, debemos copiar los dos archivos ejecutables TASM.EXE y TLINK.EXE, dentro del directorio donde estarán los archivos de código fuente, en este caso podemos crear un directorio en la unidad C. I'm a student and at school we study assembly on 32bit machines and at home I've got a 64 bit machine and at school we use tasm.exe tlink.exe and td.exe (turbo assembler turbo linker and turbo debugger ). The problem is that I can't compile assemble link or debug anything with the 3 programs because. Assembler. W tej lekcji poznasz. tworzenie i uruchamianie programów w assemblerze,; programy przykładowe. Tworzenie i uruchamianie programów w assemblerze. Dla ułatwienia utwórz katalog ASM i skopiuj do niego pliki TASM.EXE i TLINK.EXE. W tym katalogu będziesz tworzyć i uruchamiać swoje programy,.
Assemble the program using the TASM assembler. This creates an object (.OBJ) file. 4. Link the object file to create an .EXE file. 5. Run the program. Here is a complete example using the program second.asm, discussed in class and found elsewhere on these pages. Steps 1,2. Enter the program. C:DATASTUDENT>bc. TLINK.EXE - Turbo linker (ligador). • TD.EXE - Turbo Debugger (depurador). Você pode escolher entre os montadores TASM e NASM. As vantagens deste último é que possui uma documentaç˜ao eletrônica excelente (veja pasta docs), além de contar com vers˜oes também para o Linux. Já para obter informaç˜oes sobre o. tasm的相关知识. 2014-04-11 我想学习汇编,看网上说有x86、masm、tasm这都是什么,是编... 2; 2006-01-07 tasm5.0怎么安装? 4; 2007-12-12 tasm5.0下载3; 2010-08-12 tasm 5.0 有中文版吗? 1 · 更多关于tasm的知识 >. Tasm example file CMD16 PAK (Disk3) - Compression file containing the following: H2ASH EXE - utility to convert .h files to .ash files TASM EXE - turbo assembler 3.0 dos TASMX EXE - turbo assembler 3.0 with dpmi support TDSTRIP EXE - utility to strip debug information from .exe files TLINK EXE - Borland. Students need to do 3 things - use DEBUG, compile and link assembly files, and execute EXEs. Using DEBUG is the same. In order to fix this we will be using TASM. Here's how to download and. The compiler is "tasm.exe" and linker is "tlink.exe" and both are located in the "tasm/bin" directory. You can use both as you. SideKick version 1.56. Copyright © 1884-85 BORLAND Inc. PILOT.EXE PC – PILOT (Programmer's Pop-Up) Freeware written by Tom Grubbe Edited by The Geographix Corporation. TLINK.EXE Turbo Link Version 3.0. Copyright © 1987-1990 Borland International. TASM.EXE Turbo Assembler Version 2.0 Executable. Status. Comments. Version. tasm.exe. Playable. It works correctly, but it doesnt do auto-link, so you need to type tlink.exe -ofile.exe files.obj(compiled tasm files) for link the files and have a program working correctly on it. 0.21. make.exe, Playable, It works correctly, reading the makefile. If it doesnt find the. 2 salvataggio del file sorgente con estensione .asm;. 3 assemblaggio del file sorgente con Turbo Assembler (TASM.exe);. 4 linking del file oggetto con Turbo Linker (TLINK.exe);. 5 verifica del codice eseguibile con Turbo Debugger (TD.exe) o in alternativa esecuzione. Turbo Assembler (TASM) è un ambiente gratuito che. 安装TASM 5.0很简单,您只需要下载本站[相关工具]中的""文件,解压后在Windows9x/NT下执行"INSTALL.EXE"即可开始安装。 1.如果你在. TASM.EXE 16位实模式汇编编译器. TASMX.EXE 16位保护模式汇编编译器. TASM32.EXE 32位保护模式汇编编译器. TLINK.EXE 16位连接程序(只能. ... off del TASM41_7 . COM del TASM41_7 .OBJ c: TASMBINTASM. EXE TASM41_7 .ASM c: TASMBINTLINK.EXE /x /t TASM41_7 .OBJ del TASM41_7.0BJ The source code file, the batch file, and the compiled program can be found on the accompanying CD-ROM in the PART. Linking Process:- In the LINK step, the linker reads the object file, called obj, as input and creates the executable file, called hello.exe and link map file. Here is the command: C:tasm> tlink hello.obj. Executing the program:- Then the program can be run by just typing the name or with .exe extension. Порядок выполнения работы и методические указания. 1. Создайте свою рабочую папку, например, AsmWork. 2. Поместите (скопируйте из папки Т:TASMBIN или D:BPBIN) в рабочую папку необходимые для получения исполняемого (загрузочного) модуля файлы из пакета TASM: tasm.exe. tlink.exe. rtm.exe. Извините пожалуйста,но я изучаю ассемблер 3 дня.Но так и не понял как запускать программу в TASM.Дело в том, что ее нужно запустить через ДОС.А все что у меня есть это:TASM.exe, TLINK.exe, VC.exe. Almost_Famous вне форума. ZIP files TASM ZIP - Turbo Assembler 2.0 and Utilities TASM EXE - Turbo Assembler 2.0 TLINK EXE - Borland Turbo Linker MAKE EXE - Program for managing projects GREP COM - Turbo GREP program TCREF EXE - Turbo Assembler cross-reference utility OBJXREF COM - Object file cross-reference utility TOUCH COM. Turbo Assembler (TASM) a small 16-bit computer program which enables us to write 16 bit i.e. x86 programming code on 32-bit machine. It can be used with any high level language…. And now link your program to that type tlink program_name> and hit enter. And now execute program by typing. TASM 5 Intel Turbo Assembler Download. Run tlink /v, tasm as my drive letter C so that DOSBox will see at C. Nov 12, · Hi, Thanks for the links. However, isn't there a place from where I can get the original tasm32 and перевод кода с с++ на машинный через tasm.exe и tlink.exe ещё наверно. Имеется программа (консоль с++). Требуется перевести на ассемблер, чтобы был *.asm. Как это сделать? или можно как-нибудь, чтобы билдер "выдал" %) *.asm? Исправлено Нюша (11.01.10 22:08). Offline. Вверх. ... 13:45 7113 MarkedX asm 03/19/98 07:51 4184 Zombie747 asm 01/23/98 13:51 12811 fact asm 01/23/98 13:53 1450 TASM EXE 10/29/90 02:01 105651 TLINK EXE 10/29/90 02:01 53510 EMS411 EXE 03/19/98 07:41 929. Object files are generally binary files but lack the necessary startup code and symbol resolution to run by themselves. This is where TLINK comes in. You use TLINK to 'link' the various object files that comprise your program into an executable file (.EXE) with the symbols & offsets properly resolved and with. EXE) to link your application. TASM.EXE is a real-mode assembler, meaning that it is capable of using only the lower. 640K of memory addressable by DOS. If you're assembling larger applications, use either TASMX.EXE or TASM32.EXE. Both of these assemblers use the DPMI server to take advantage of extended.
tasm /l /zi firstProgram.asm; If everything is correct, you should get a firstProgram.obj file. Now we have to link it - to do so, type: tlink firstProgram.obj. This will invoke the linker and produce and executable file. You should have a firstProgram.exe now. If you try to run it from Windows, bam! It can't run on x64. FREE DOWNLOAD. Microsoft's MASM 6.14 is included in the masm32 package. To get MASM 6.14, download from: (2.98 MB). Unzip and run install.exe. It creates masm32 directory. The MASM files (ml.exe and ml.err) are in the masm32/bin directory. Do NOT use the linker link.exe. error message from TLINK which read: > Fixup overflow at CSEG:008F, target = DSEG:0000 > I would assume that this has some thing to do with my > program locking up whenever I try to run it. How can you run it ? Does TASM really produce a .EXE even when a fixup overflow error occurs ?! If yes, you. Я заметил, что многие, кто начинает изучать Ассемблер, сталкивается с такой проблемой… код, вроде как, можно написать и в обычном текстовом редакторе Блакнот, НО…. А ЧТО ДАЛЬШЕ!? Как компилировать!? Все просто! Для этого обычно нужны две программы: TASM.EXE и TLINK.EXE Обе программы. Để biên dịch các tập tin *.asm thành tập tin thực thi .exe ta cần thực hiện qua hai bước (1) Biên dịch tập tin .asm thành tập tin .Obj (2) Biên dịch tập tin .Obj thành tập tin .exe. Ví dụ: Ta có tập tinh D:a.asm (dễ nhất ta chép Tlink.exe và tasm.exe vào cùng đường dẫn ở đây là ổ đĩa D:) Ta mở cửa sổ Command Prompt bằng. tasm.exe prg_6_1 , ,prg_list, В результате на диске будут созданы файлы prg_6_1.obj, prg_list.lst, prg_6_1.crf. Необязательный аргумент [ключи]. WORK не окажется какихто рабочих файлов вашей программы, программы tasm.exe и tlink.exe выдадут соответствующее сообщение. 3. Поместите в каталог . Every time I try to compile something I get the following: Error 378: Unable to execute command 'tlink.exe' I'm using borland turbo c 2.01, and. Thanks for the links. However, isn't there a place from where I can get the original tasm32 and tlink.exe files? If someone has it, could you please upload it? The reason I want TASM is because I have some assembly language source codes which were written in TASM. I would like to understand how they. I got hold of a copy of a couple of different versions TASM (Borland's equivalent to MASM) a couple of years ago, I might give it a whirl some time to see how it goes on. Well, DOSbox was able to run my executable (hello.exe), but it won't assemble my source code (although it will link the hello.obj file). tasm tlink /tdc если com программа tlink /tde exe. Добавлено 11.12.04, 14:46. Нужно в консоли войти в папку где у тебя лежит ассемблер ввести: tasm tasm /tdc если com программа tlink /tde если exe программа. Po pierwsze musisz skompilować i linkować program z informacjami dla debugera [dla tasm/tlink]: tasm.exe program.asm /zi tlink.exe program.obj /v. A potem tylko komenda: td.exe program.exe. Uruchomi debuger; jak go zobaczysz, to myślę, że połapiesz się, co jak można w nim zrobić. Корректность работы программы можно проверить, произведя линковку (tlink.exe) объектного файла и запустив полученный файл в отладчике. Как было сказано выше, MASM можно использовать для работы с 16-битными программами. Выполним ассемблирование (трансляцию). TASM , TLINK e TD. Trasformano un file di testo su cui è scritto un programma in assembler x86, in un file eseguibile DOS (*.exe). TASM : compilatore. Converte un file di testo su cui è scritto un programma in assembler x86 solitamente con estensione .asm ad un file intermedio con estensione .obj. Se richiesto durante la. Compile the source code to create an object module by typing Tasm /z /zi file_name.asm Here the /z switch roots the TASM to display the lines that produce compilation errors whereas the /zi switch allows the .OBJ file to include the required information. 4. Run the Linker program TLINK.EXE to generate the .EXE file from. Четверг, 08 Марта 18, 22:02:07. Зона свободного обмена полезной информацией, файлами и опытом между студентами. К н А Г Т У. Мой профиль | Регистрация | Вход, Приветствую Вас Гость | RSS. Форма входа. Карта сайта. Наш опрос. Нужен ли этот сайт? Безусловно! Нафиг не нужен! Текст программы записываем в файл *.asm. Чтобы получить исполняемый файл (exe, com), нужно запустить: :>TASM.EXE .asm :>TLINK.EXE .obj. Отладчик программы: :>TD.EXE название программы>.exe. Всё необходимое можно скачать. To download TASM, go to this page, and go to the end of the page, to find the download link. The downloaded file should end up in your ~/Downloads directory. Double click on the tgz file you have downloaded. It should expand to a folder named TASM. Copy TASM32.EXE from the BIN folder into a folder. This blog has moved to a new URL: Please follow the link, Click here for TASM for Windows 7 64 bit Click here for TASM for Windows 8 64 bit. my programs are not working on it…… the dosbox works fine until tlink command…… then when i try the exe file…. it doesn't give output… En una carpeta de debe tener además de los programas en ensamblador masm.exe, link.exe, td.exe. El masm.exe y el link.exe son de la empresa Microsoft, sin embargo no son las únicas para elaborar programas *.exe también existen otras similares como tasm.exe y tlink.exe de Borland. Otra Wasm.exe, etc. EXE и TLINK32.EXE — ассемблер и компоновщик только для программ, написанных под ОС Windows! Для наших примеров на данном этапе необходимы TASM.EXE и TLINK.EXE (мы рекомендуем MASM 6.11—6.13). LINK при компиляции выдает: LINK : warning L4021: no stack segment Однако файл с. Compile your code: Run tasm /l /zi your_file.asm, but replace “your_file" with the name of your .asm file 4. Link your code: Run tlink /v your_file.obj io.obj, and replace “your_file" with the same name you used in step 3 5. Run your code: Run your_file.exe, and again replace “your_file" with the same nam e So to summarize,. Auto Mounted the Tasm Files such as tasm, td, and tlink [so that there is no need to mount them every time , not even one time !! you open DosBox]. Mouse Pointer Support. One Click Installer,No Need of configuring anything,installs in seconds and the Shortcut placed on your Desktop! Useful For Students. Most programs written for this standard also can be assembled with the near-compatible Turbo Assembler, TASM. For both of these Assemblers, the "object" files that they produce need to be passed through another program, Microsoft's LINK or Turbo's TLINK, to generate an .EXE-format executable program file, and then a. Now you can use dos commands and tasm related commands(edit, tasm, tlink, td etc.) 9. To go to full screen press alt+enter. Enjoy 8086 program ming. Update: To avoid typing " mount c c://tasm " and " c://". go to 1. C:Program Files (x86)DOSBox-0.74(for 64bit) or C:Program FilesDOSBox-0.74(for 32bit). [Assembly Language] [TASM] [16bit] Program Template. Requirements: - MS-DOS - tasm.exe - tlink.exe. To code: - Boot in MS-DOS - in c:> type edit - type the code below and save. (eg. program.asm) ====================== .model small .code org 100h start: jmp main ; ; data declaration area The source file is processed (assembled) by the assembler (TASM) to produce an object file (.obj). tasm myprog produces myprog.obj. The object file must be linked by the linker (TLINK) to produce an executable file (.exe). tlink myprog produces myprog.exe. Dealing with Errors. TASM will report the line number and give an. Имею файл с расширением .asm, пускай 1.asm, TASM.exe,TLINK.exe,TD.exe В фаре запускаю сначала TASM.exe 1.asm - создает 1.obj. Потом TLINK.exe 1.obj - создает 1... Далее копируете на дискетку файл с кодом вашей программы(например prog.asm) и так же копируете ассемблеровщик(masm или tasm), линковщик(link или tlink) и отладчик(cd или afdpro). (КОПИРОВАТЬ НУЖНО ТОЛЬКО САМИ ФАЙЛЫ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ: MASM.EXE ИЛИ TASM.EXE И ДР. БЕЗ ВСЯКИХ. Project > Options > Turbo Assembler. Use this dialog box to set Turbo Assembler options. For more information about the Turbo Assembler, see the command-line help for TASM32.EXE.. Sets the maximum length of symbols that Tasm can distinguish between. The minimum number allowed is 12. ICO, *.BMP, *.FNT). Файл BINOBJ.EXE - конвертирует файлы формата BIN в формат OBJ. Файл TD.EXE - Turbo Debugger, отладчик для программ. Файлы TASM.EXE, TLINK.EXE - для ассемблирования и компоновки программ на ассемблере. Файлы в папке UNITS - модули подключаемые к вашим программам. EXE, TLINK.EXE dan RTM.EXE pada drive D dalam satu folder.. Gunakan TASM untuk mengecek kesalahan, ketikkan sesuai dengan nama file yang telah disimpan tadi. Lalu klik enter.. Cek kesalahan menggunakan TASM Lalu cetak huruf dengan menggunakan TLINK seperti langkah sebelumnya. Maka nama “SITI". “tasm .txt" -> untuk file .txt, atau “tasm .asm" -> untuk file .asm, atau “tasm " -> untuk file .asm. >>[5] Untuk membuat COM, gunakan perintah: “tlink/t .obj" -> untuk file .obj, atau “tlink/t nama_file>" -> untuk file .obj. >>[6] Untuk membuat EXE, gunakan perintah. If you produce a 16-bit object file, then you must use the 16-bit linker (TLINK.EXE) to link your application. If you produce a 32-bit object file, then you must use the 32-bit linker (TLINK32.EXE) to link your application. TASM.EXE is a real-mode assembler, meaning that it is capable of using only the lower 640K of memory. Söz konusu yazılım dillerine sahip iseniz, kurulu oldukları dizin altında Bin klasöründe yer alırlar. TASM.EXE, TLINK.EXE, TD.EXE bu bölümde ilgileneceğimiz temel uygulamalardır. Debug programı, bize Windows ile birlikte sunulan bir TEST aracıdır. Debug ile programlar yazmak epey zahmetli olacaktır,. Document tasm.exe tlink.exe loading neadekvaten, 12.12.2017 at 17:50. Turbo Assembler download and instruction to installed and compile .asm files. tasm /l /zi hello_world.asm tlink /v hello_world.obj io.obj hello_world.exe. Mengetahui cara kerja mengassemble program menggunakan TASM, TLINK, RTM. Mencetak huruf. Langkah kerja Assembly: Buatlah Folder untuk menjalankan file TASM.EXE, TLINK.EXE dan RTM dengan nama 1CA>ASM. Buka lembar kerja command prompt, kemudian ketikan seperti di bawah ini:. 6- Write C:TasmBintasm hello.asm to create the file hello.obj This file is the machine language for the program. 7- Write C:TasmBin tlink hello.obj to create the file hello.exe This file is executable program. 8- Finally, write C:TasmBin hello.exe You will show the message hello, world on DOS screen. Si ton programme ne comporte pas d'erreur ceci va te créer un fichier .obj, ensuite il faut utiliser l'éditeur de lien founit avec TASM qui est TLINK. Pour cela c'est. [EDIT]Par contre autre probléme, lorsque j'éxécute mon application (fichier exe) et bien j'ai un message d'erreur! C:TASMBINMESSAGE.EXE ... 控拾出了一介氾綿晤言源程序的格式,井肘常用的一些仿操作迸行了介貂。下面的何題是,如何建立井江鋪迭介程序?建立一介可抉行的氾鋪晤言程序需要下面 3 介步驟: 0 用鋪揖程序( EDIT . EXE )建立 ASM 源文件。 0 用江鋪程序( MASM . EXE 或 TASM . EXE )把 ASM 文件轉抉成 O ) BJ 文件。 0 用連接程序( LINK . EXE 或 TLINK .