July 2008
I proved it, improved it Drove a sonnet right through it And in this state of bliss Evil kissed with wet lips Pen-filled fingertips
We walk this Eden, a secret Faces hidden under Leonine pride In dusk's embrace We find it hard to keep it When blood and lust and waking worlds collide
Burning flesh, Dripping sweat, Using them all, like the paralyzing snake, Charmed and enchanted by the babylon whore.
I cannot remember How it was that we first met Curve of moon and haunted shore The stars were not those Heaven sent Did we come together At masked palatial Balls In silks and flesh and leather Or did
Biblical choirs soar beyond veiled light A swan song for ravens trapped flapping in night A tragic yet magical fall from grace Too awful to taste for the led and the chaste Those whose long fetters a
I watch the storm approaching The darkness calls my name The trees are growing restless They feel the season change Their fruit has putrified Forbidden once and bound to die The thread of life lies se
Sometimes in the world as is you've Got to shake the hand that feeds you It's just like Adam says It's not so hard to understand It's just like always coming down on Just like Jesus never came and Wha
Idag vart jag attackerad av en fett å äcklig larv å jag kunde inte röra mig, medan den hemska varelsen kröp omkring på mitt ben å nu kan jag inte tänka p&ar
Idag va jag i stan å köpte läder å sån skit! plus att jag tog å köpte filmen The Fog 59kr som sög, å glass^^ god glass, mycket god! (tjockis)
Det var ju inte oväntat! =( Depression [x] du är ofta ledsen [ ] du gråter ofta [x] du bryr dig inte längre om saker du förut brukade älska [x] du är ofta bara hemm