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Metric spaces problems and solutions pdf: >> << (Download)
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TOPOLOGY: NOTES AND PROBLEMS. Abstract. These are the notes prepared for the course MTH 304 to be offered to undergraduate students at IIT Kanpur. Contents. 1. Topology of Metric Spaces. 1. 2. Topological Spaces. 3. 3. Basis for a Topology. 4. 4. Topology Generated by a Basis. 4. 4.1. Infinitude of Prime Numbers.
Topology I - Exercises and Solutions. July 25, 2014. 1 Metric spaces. 1. Let p be a prime number, and d: Z ? Z > [0, +?) be a function defined by dp(x, y) = p? max{m?N .. from C. 12. Let (X, d) be a metric space, and let F ? X be a closed subset and K ? X a compact subset of .. Isolated points can cause a problem.
18. Consider Q as a metric space with the usual distance function d(x, y) = |x ? y|, and define. S = {x ? Q : 2 < x2 < 3}. Show that S is closed and bounded in Q, but that S is not compact. Solution. Note that Sc = {x ? Q : x2 < 2 or x2 > 3} since ±. v. 2 /? Q, ±. v. 3 /? Q. Let x ? Sc. Then x2 > 3 or x2 < 2. If x2 > 3 and x > 0
metric in a function space evolved from classical brachistochrone problem of variational calculus. Solution Since | x – y | ? 0 and | x – y | = 0 iff x = y, (d1) follows. .. is also a metric. The new metric spaces {(X, d m. )/m = 1, 2, } are thus obtained from (X, d). Solution: (i) d m. (x, y) = md(x, y) ? 0 ? x, y ? X. Moreover d m.
Problem. 1: a) Check if the following spaces are metric spaces: i) X = too:= {(Xn)nEN: Xn E IR for each nand suplxnl < oo}. d(x,y). = sup{lxn-Ynl: n EN}. ii) X = foo, d(x,y). = #{n EN: xn #- Yn} (Hamming distance). iii) Take X to be London. For every pair of points x, y E X, let d(x, y) be the distance that a car needs to drive from x
?. = with at most finitely many nonzero terms .Find a Cauchy sequence in M which does not converge in M ,so that M is not complete. Ex.15.Show that the set X of all integers with metric d defined by (. ), d mn. m n. = - is a complete metric space. Ex.16.Let X be the set of all positive integers and ( ). 1. 1. , . d mn m n.
of compactness of a set in a metric space (e .g . by checking in Rudin). (3) Show that S is not compact by considering the sequence in lp with kth element the sequence which is all zeros except for a 1 in the kth slot. Note that the main problem is not to get yourself confused about sequences of sequences! Solution 5.13
MAS331: Metric Spaces 2016-17. Solutions to Problems on Chapter 4. 1. (a) Let (x, y) ? R2. Take a sequence (xn,yn) in R2 tending to (x, y). Then, by the d2-version of Prop.2.9, xn > x and yn > y. By the algebra of limits, xnyn > xy, or, in other words, f(xn,yn) > f(x, y). Therefore f is continuous at (x, y), and therefore (since
METRIC SPACES. MATH 113 - SPRING 2015. PROBLEM SET #1. Problem 1 (Distance to a subset and metric Urysohn's Lemma). Let (E,d) be a metric space. Solution. 1. Observe that A ?. ?. A so d(x, A) ? d(x,. ?. A). For the other inequal- ity, consider ? in. ?. A. There exists a sequence {an} ? AN that converges to ?.
2 May 2014 justification of differentiation under the integral sign, and establishment of a solution of an initial-value problem for a certain 2 Metric Spaces. 2.1 Basic Definitions. First we recall certain fundamental properties of real numbers: for all x, y, z ? R,. (i) |x ? y| ? 0;|x ? y| = 0 if, and only if, x = y;. (ii) |x ? y|=|y ? x|;.